Bug Report
What did you do?
When using the command sh -c {meta_server_list} -a {table_name} --bottommost_level_compaction force, the wait_manual_compact() function keeps writing the log [35s] 0 finished, 8 not finished (0 in queue, 0 in running), estimate remaining unknown seconds. table [**] manual compaction is running now. even though the manual compaction task has already finished. This causes the wait_manual_compact() function's output to be used to determine the task progress when encapsulating the manual_compact tool, leading to a timeout failure. -
What did you expect to see?
The function wait_manual_compact() can correctly parse the output of the shell command remote_command -t replica-server replica.query-compact ${app_id}. -
What did you see instead?
Cannot correctly parse.