Who is Using Seata
First of all, thanks sincerely for constantly using and supporting seata. We will try our best to keep seata better, and keep growing community.
The purpose of this issue
- We’d like to listen to the community to make seata better.
- We want to attract more people to contribute to seata.
- We're willing to learn more seata use scenarios in the field for better planning.
What we expect from you
Pls. submit a comment in this issue to include the following information:
- your company, school or organization.
- your city and country.
- your contact info: blog, email, twitter (at least one,If it‘s not convenient to open your contact information, please send me separately).
- the mode of seata(AT、TCC、SAGA and XA).
- for what business scenario do you use seata.
You can refer to the following sample answer for the format:
* Orgnizatioin: Alibaba
* Location: Hangzhou, China
* Contact: [email protected]
* Mode: AT
* Purpose: Dubbo、SpringCloud、Sofa-RPC、Motan、Sharding etc.
Action now,build Seata
If you are still concerning about using Seata in production, you can join us by scanning the DingTalk QR Code. We will track Seata status from your side by the information you provided above, and assist you join the community to build the Seata together.
Thanks again for your participation !
Seata Team
Enterprise Service
If you need Seata enterprise service support, or purchase cloud product services, you can join the discussion by scanning the following DingTalk group. We would be happy to discuss requirements for your business scenario.
谁在使用 Seata
首先诚挚地感谢每一位持续关注并使用 Seata 的朋友。我们会持续投入,力图把 Seata 变得更好,把 Seata 社区和生态变得更加繁荣。
此 Issue 的目的
聆听社区的声音,让 seata 变得更好
更多的了解 seata 的实际使用场景,以方便下一步的规划
在此提交一条评论, 评论内容包括:
- 您所在公司、学校或组织
- 您所在的城市、国家
- 您的联系方式: 微博、邮箱、微信 (至少一个,如果不方便公开您的联系信息,请单独发送给我)
- 所使用的 seata 的事务模式(AT、TCC、SAGA and XA).
- 您将 seata 用于哪些业务场景
* 组织:阿里巴巴
* 地点:中国杭州
* 联系方式:[email protected]
* 模式:AT
* 业务场景:Dubbo、SpringCloud、Sofa-RPC、Motan、分库分表 等
开始行动,使用 Seata
如果您还对 Seata 的开发和生产上线有问题,您可以通过扫描钉钉群二维码加入我们,我们会根据您上面提供的信息来跟踪您的使用情况,辅助您加入社区共建。
Seata 团队
如果您需要 Seata 企业服务支持,或者采购云产品服务,您可以通过扫描以下钉钉群加入讨论。我们很乐意针对您的业务场景进行需求讨论。