Search before asking
- I searched in the issues and found nothing similar.
Read release policy
- I understand that unsupported versions don't get bug fixes. I will attempt to reproduce the issue on a supported version of Pulsar client and Pulsar broker.
Minimal reproduce step
- set batchIndexAckEnabled=true in client
- set acknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled=true in server
- set a counter, ack count % 2 == 1, nack other;
- send message
- after consuming a few more, force it to stop
- reconsuming
What did you expect to see?
Denied and unconsumed items can be consumed again. Confirmed, no need to consume again
What did you see instead?
the keyword 'a33' 'a35' 'a37' 'a39' 'a41' 'a44' 'a46' 'a48' is missing
Anything else?
No response
Are you willing to submit a PR?
- I'm willing to submit a PR!