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Releases: apache/shardingsphere

2.0.3 (Not Apache Release)

16 Feb 05:58
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New Features


  1. ISSUE #600 Support TCL

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #540 Support SQL that alias is the keyword
  2. ISSUE #577 Support new line for YAML configuration


  1. ISSUE #522 Slave database does not need to execute the DDL for read-write splitting

2.0.2 (Not Apache Release)

18 Jan 07:47
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  1. ISSUE #475 Support CREATE INDEX
  2. ISSUE #525 Support DROP INDEX

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #521 ShardingProperties is invalid in YAML configuration
  2. ISSUE #529 Table name capitalization cannot be queried
  3. ISSUE #541 IS NOT NULL parse error
  4. ISSUE #557 When GROUP BY and ORDER BY aliases are inconsistent, stream merging should be used
  5. ISSUE #559 Support parsing numbers beginning with minus and decimal (e.g. -.12)
  6. ISSUE #567 Add escape char for derived columns or alias when using MySQL


  1. ISSUE #520 Exception is no longer DuplicateKeyException when the unique key conflict

2.0.1 (Not Apache Release)

15 Dec 08:27
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  1. ISSUE #490 Using rownum greater than or equal to or less than or equal to the result of paging is incorrect in Oracle
  2. ISSUE #496 Logical table names in sharding configuration can be case sensitive
  3. ISSUE #497 Close registry center gracefully

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #489 Uses RuntimeBeanReference to prevent the creation of InnerBean on spring namespace
  2. ISSUE #491 Can't close connection by ResultSet.getStatement().getConnection().close()

2.0.0 (Not Apache Release)

03 Dec 16:11
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  1. API adjust. Brand new groupId and artifactId for Maven, package name and spring namespace name. Simplify and enhance API configuration, inline expression fully configuration support
  2. Support spring-boot-starter of Sharding-JDBC
  3. Dynamic configuration. ZooKeeper and etcd can be used as registry to dynamically modify data sources and sharding configurations
  4. Database orchestration. Fusing database access procedures to access databases and disable access to slave databases
  5. ConfigMap support. Predefined metadata can be obtained in the sharding and read-write separation strategy
  6. Tracking system support. You can view the invocation chain of Sharding-JDBC through sky-walking and other Opentracing based APM systems



  1. ISSUE #386 Support SQL that does not contain table names, such as SELECT 1


  1. ISSUE #407 Support Hyphen properties for sharding-jdbc-spring-boot-starter
  2. ISSUE #424 Providing SQL overall execution events

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #387 Prevent errors from keywords process when '`' exists in function + column name
  2. ISSUE #419 When SQL is rewritten, it does not determine whether alias is a keyword without the escape character, which results in SQL exception
  3. ISSUE #464 SQL if the varchar type is not closed due to the absence of matching single quotes, and the next varchar in SQL is the wrong SQL of Chinese characters, it will lead to higher use of CPU


  1. ISSUE #394 Can't only close statement
  2. ISSUE #398 Use Hint routing to shield case sensitivity
  3. ISSUE #404 Sharding-jdbc's spring-boot-starter does not support HikariDataSource
  4. ISSUE #436 Read-write splitting, when the RoundRobin algorithm is configured from the database and MyBatis is used, it can only be routed to the same slave library
  5. ISSUE #452 Sharding of DDL statements to more than one table causes a connection leak
  6. ISSUE #472 Before Connection executes createStatement, it calls getMetaData first and then setAutoCommit can not take effective connection to the database that was created later

2.0.0.M3 (Not Apache Release)

20 Nov 06:16
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  1. Data governance. Fusing database access procedures to access databases and disable access to slave databases
  2. ConfigMap support. Predefined metadata can be obtained in the sharding and read-write separation strategy

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #436 Read-write separation, when the RoundRobin algorithm is configured from the database and MyBatis is used, it can only be routed to the same slave library
  2. ISSUE #452 Sharding of DDL statements to more than one table causes a connection leak

2.0.0.M2 (Not Apache Release)

06 Nov 02:27
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  1. The database access governance of the client can fuse the database access


  1. ISSUE #407 Sharding-jdbc's spring-boot-starter compatibility uses two ways of attribute configuration: minus sign and hump
  2. ISSUE #424 Providing SQL overall execution events

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #404 Sharding-jdbc's spring-boot-starter does not support HikariDataSource
  2. ISSUE #419 When SQL is rewritten, it does not determine whether alias is a keyword without the escape character, which results in SQL exception

2.0.0.M1 (Not Apache Release)

10 Oct 10:03
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  1. Dynamic configuration. Zookeeper and etcd can be used as registry to dynamically modify data sources and sharding configurations
  2. API adjust. Brand new Maven coordinate name, package name and spring namespace name. Simplify and enhance API configuration, inline expression full configuration support

New Features

  1. Support sharding-jdbc-spring-boot-starter


  1. ISSUE #386 Support for SELECT 1, a SQL that does not contain table names

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #387 Prevent errors from keywords process when '`' exists in function + column name
  2. ISSUE #394 Can't only close statement
  3. ISSUE #398 Use Hint routing to shield case sensitivity (Not Apache Release)

22 Sep 04:58
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Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #382 The query cannot be completed without sharding rule

1.5.4 (Not Apache Release)

19 Sep 07:45
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Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #356 In the Where condition of SQL, the REGEXP operator is compatible with non sharding columns
  2. ISSUE #362 Read-write separation using PreparedStatement does not invoke the setParameter method to cause errors
  3. ISSUE #370 Error in calling getGeneratedKeys using native self increment primary key
  4. ISSUE #375 Data can not be obtained after paging second pages route to a single node
  5. ISSUE #379 When Mybatis is used to call Connection.getMetaData (), the connection is not close correct

1.5.3 (Not Apache Release)

04 Sep 09:22
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  1. ISSUE #98 Read-write separation load balancing strategy support configuration
  2. ISSUE #196 Read-write separation and sharding configuration independence

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #349 Incorrect function of ResultSet.wasNull causes null numeric type in DB to zero
  2. ISSUE #351 Tables that are included in the default data source but not in TableRule configuration are not properly executed
  3. ISSUE #353 In the Where condition of SQL, it is compatible with non sharding columns !=, !> and !< operator
  4. ISSUE #354 In the Where condition of SQL, NOT operators are compatible with non-sharding columns