Bug description
- login superset
- click "+DATABASE"
- choose PostgreSQL
- enter host of redshift hostname and port 5439, user name and password BELYGmqy280*(contains a asterisk at the end, the password is auto-generated by redshift)
- click "Connect" and error will show
Database Creation Error
We are unable to connect to your database. Click "See more" for database-provided information that may help troubleshoot the issue.
See more
- click See more, will see "unable to create the database"
my superset version is
The error disappear when I change the password to one with no special character
No response
Superset version
Python version
I don't know
Node version
I don't know
Additional context
No response
- I have searched Superset docs and Slack and didn't find a solution to my problem.
- I have searched the GitHub issue tracker and didn't find a similar bug report.
- I have checked Superset's logs for errors and if I found a relevant Python stacktrace, I included it here as text in the "additional context" section.