12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KS
Disk Write Speed :3.1GB/s
Disk Read Speed : 4.6GB/s
WSL2 , Ubuntu 22.04.
Language : Java
Commit : 02727c5
Schema Configuration
Device Num : 50
Sensor Num On One Device : 50
DataType : INT32
CompressionType : LZ4
Encoding : TS_2DIFF
Write Speed Test
1,000,000 points every sensor.
50 * 50 * 1,000,000 points totally.
Writing data using a tablet which has 50 sensors and a maximum of 100,000 rows
Total Write Time : 73.059s
Total Points Num : 2500,000,000 points
Write Spped: 34,218,918 points/s.
Read Speed Test
Conduct data read tests using the TsFile generated from the write tests.
Get all data from only one timeseries:
query all cost: 0.17s
query get points: 1,000,000points
query speed : 5882352.94117647points/s
Get all data from only one device( 50 sensors):
query all cost: 1.405s
query get points: 50,000,000points
query speed :35,587,188 points/s
Get all data from all devices (50 devices * 50 sensors):
query all cost: 145.249s
query get points: 2,500,000,000points
query speed: 17,211,822.46points/s