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Time-saving file templates of Illuminated Cloud 2 to create some sets of Apex Classes of different Layers #343

Answered by SCWells72
PeterLin888 asked this question in Q&A
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This is great stuff, @PeterLinBiz. Regarding how/whether it might be possible to have something like a file template work for a collection of related files vs. a single file, I'll have to investigate. I'll use the linked IC2 BitBucket issue for that work. Ideally it'd be something offered directly in the JetBrains plugin SDK vs. something that would have to be home-grown, but we'll see.

@wimvelzeboer regarding your wish list item, part of it sounds like an Extract Interface refactoring which is on my relatively short-term TODO list; part of it sounds like the existing functionality to implement/override methods from base classes/interfaces; finally a third part sounds kind of like the lat…

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