In case of MMKV storage, it doesn’t check for key duplication, and just appends the key-value pair even if key is duplicated. So, our cache object will be saved with duplicate data every time cache object gets updated ( in 'write' trigger ).
For example, lets say first query named getUser is called and persisted in MMKV storage then internally file will look like this:
key_given_in_persist_constructor :: { ROOT_QUERY: { getUser: {......} } }
further on lets say we call another query getUserTasks then now file will look like this:
key_given_in_persist_constructor :: { ROOT_QUERY: { getUser: {......} } }
key_given_in_persist_constructor :: { ROOT_QUERY: { getUser: {......}, getUserTasks: {.......} } }
ignore cache object structure, it is for understanding purpose*
Correct me if i am wrong/misunderstood something.
And if it is correct then we should mention this in documentation and if possible alter some behaviour as well.