- Tell me about yourself by walking me through your resume.
- What was your biggest failure? The answer should tell the interviewer the following:
- What was the context for the situation that led to the failure?
- What lead up to the failure?
- What, specifically, was the failure?
- How did you recover from this failure? What was the eventual outcome?
Implement merge sort.
def merge_sort(array)
# already sorted
return array if array.count < 2
middle = array.count / 2
left, right = array.take(middle), array.drop(middle)
sorted_left, sorted_right = merge_sort(left), merge_sort(right)
merge(sorted_left, sorted_right)
def merge(left, right)
merged_array = []
until left.empty? || right.empty?
merged_array <<
((left.first < right.first) ? (left.shift) : (right.shift))
merged_array + left + right
Time complexity: O(n*log(n))
def merge(left, right)
merged_array = []
i, j = 0, 0
until i == left.length || j == right.length
if left[i] > right[j]
merged_array << right[j]
j += 1
merged_array << left[i]
i += 1
merged_array + left.drop(i) + right.drop(j)
Time complexity for merge only: O(n)
You have two sticks and a matchbox. Each stick takes exactly an hour to burn from one end to the other.
The sticks are weird, in that they do not burn at a steady. If you break a stick in half, it is not guaranteed that each half will take 30min to burn.
How would you measure exactly 45 minutes by burning these sticks?
Take stick1, light it at both ends. At the same time, light stick2 at one end.
When stick1 is extinguished, 30min have passed. Now, light stick2 at the other end. The stick will take another 15min to finish burning.
Write a method that takes an array and returns its duplicate values. Use less than O(n*n) time.
def duplicates(arr)
values = Set.new
copies = Set.new
arr.each do |value|
if values.include?(value)
copies << value
values << value
return copies
In this solution, we use sets. Because sets have O(1)
lookup time, we solve the problem in a time complexity of O(n)