Tell me about a time when you had a disagreement with other programmer. How did you handle the situation? Were you able to reach a mutually beneficial resolution to that conflict? If not, why were you and your co-worker unable to reach a mutually beneficial resolution? If you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently to either prevent the conflict, or to resolve it?
What is a new technology you are especially excited about?
Give me an example of a time you had to take a creative and unusual approach to solve coding problem. How did this idea come to your mind? Why do you think it was unusual?
Write an algorithm that, given a Binary Search Tree, will find the second largest node in the tree. Assume you already have a bst Node
class with an insert method.
_/ \_
5 15
/ \ / \
3 8 12 20
/ \ \
2 4 30
Output: 20
/ \
3 7
Output: 7
If there is no right node, the second largest is the right most left subtree:
/ \
3 7
If there is a right node and the right node has children, recurse to that right child:
_/ \_
5 15
/ \ / \
3 8 12 20
/ \ \
2 4 30
Eventually we'll get to the following scenario:
If the right node has no children, the second largest is the current node.
Time: O(h) Space: O(h), where h is the height of the tree
function findSecondLargest(head) {
if (head.right) {
if (head.right.left || head.right.right)
return findSecondLargest(head.right)
return head;
} else {
return findRightMostNode(head.left);
function findRightMostNode(node) {
if (node.right) {
return findRightMostNode(node.right);
} else {
return node;
Write a method that adds two numbers where the digits are store inside of a linked list in reverse order. The return value should also be a linked list in reverse order.
Input 1: 6->5->null
Input 2: 9->8->7
Result: 5->4->8
56 + 789 = 548
We could solve this with an iterative or a recursive algorithm, both are well suited for this exercise. We'll use a recursive algorithm for practice with recursion. Note this takes an extra space of O(m) where m is the recursion depth.
Base case:
- If first and second lists are null AND carry is zero
- Return null
Recursive case:
- Set value to carry
- Add both nodes' data to value
- Set the carry to 1 if value >= 10, else 0
- Set the remainder to value % 10
- Create a node with the remainder
- Set node.next to a recursive call on the next nodes, passing in the carry
- Return node
Time: O(n) Space: O(m), extra space for result and recursion depth
- Careful with adding if the lists differ
- Only add if a node is not None
- Alternatively, we could add trailing zeroes to the smaller list
class Node
attr_reader :data
attr_accessor :next
def initialize(data, next = nil)
@data = data
@next = next
def add_reverse(first_node, second_node, carry)
if first_node.nil? && second_node.nil? && carry.zero?
return nil
value = carry
value += first_node.nil? 0 : first_node.data
value += second_node.nil? 0 : second_node.data
carry = value >= 10 ? 1 : 0
value %= 10
node = Node.new(value)
node.next = add_reverse(first_node&.next, second_node&.next, carry)
return node