We're using appium v1.21.0 for android app testing. Intermittently we notice find element commands taking ~20 seconds. We've reduced waitForIdleTimeout and that didn't reduce the time significantly.
On debugging further through adb logcat logs
02-02 12:50:10.571 3339 3708 I appium : channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/f75680dc-eae2-41f7-8f7b-fbf9b1769db1/element
02-02 12:50:10.572 3339 3708 I appium : FindElement command
02-02 12:50:10.573 3339 3708 I appium : method: 'xpath', selector: '//*[@text='All']', contextId: ''
02-02 12:50:10.574 3339 3708 I appium : Waiting up to 3000ms for the device to idle
02-02 12:50:13.602 3339 3708 I appium : The following attributes will be included to the page source: [text]
02-02 12:50:28.535 3339 3708 I appium : Took 1ms to retrieve 1 matches for '//*[@text='All']' XPath query
02-02 12:50:28.537 3339 3708 I appium : AppiumResponse: {\"sessionId\":\"f75680dc-eae2-41f7-8f7b-fbf9b1769db1\",\"value\":{\"ELEMENT\":\"09e05c03-0926-4220-9c1f-c8d383aa49ad\",\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\":\"09e05c03-0926-4220-9c1f-c8d383aa49ad\"}}
From these logs, I see the time is being taken in this part of the code
public NodeInfoList findNodes(String xpathSelector, boolean multiple) {
try {
XPATH.compile(xpathSelector, Filters.element());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidSelectorException(e);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new UiAutomator2Exception(e);
try (InputStream xmlStream = toStream(true)) {
final Document document =;
final XPathExpression<org.jdom2.Attribute> expr = XPATH
.compile(String.format("(%s)/@%s", xpathSelector, UI_ELEMENT_INDEX), Filters.attribute());
final NodeInfoList matchedNodes = new NodeInfoList();
So It might be either toStream
functions, but I'm not able to debug any further because of no Info logs there (wasn't able to change log-level to debug either)
Initially I though, since this was happening intermittently this might be a resource crunch issue, But I didn't see any such crunch while monitoring host or adb shell metrics.
This is my session create request body
"customData": {},
"desiredCapabilities": {
"adbExecTimeout": "120000",
"appActivity": "<activity>",
"appPackage": "<pkg>",
"autoAcceptAlerts": true,
"automationName": "uiautomator2",
"chromeOptions": {
"args": [],
"w3c": false
"chromedriverExecutable": "chromeDriver-103.0",
"deviceName": "Galaxy Fold",
"headless": false,
"nativeWebScreenshot": true,
"newCommandTimeout": 0,
"orientation": "PORTRAIT",
"platformName": "android",
"platformVersion": "13",
"udid": "emulator-5554",
"uiautomator2ServerLaunchTimeout": "60000",
"waitForIdleTimeout": 3000,
"waitForQuiescence": false
No labels