When searching for a control in a Pop Window, adb suddenly disconnected. After reconnecting, the page structure can no longer be obtained, but the page on the device is fully displayed.(Why?)
The Logcat logs are as follows:
07-31 18:45:02.855 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.117 2099 2434 D IxxxxService : background service conversion ALLOWED: : trgt SDK Version: 17
07-31 18:45:03.075 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.117 2099 2434 I System.out: true
07-31 18:45:03.117 2099 2434 D IxxxxService : background service conversion ALLOWED: : trgt SDK Version: 17
07-31 18:45:03.117 2099 2434 W ActivityManager: 0
07-31 18:45:03.117 2099 2434 D ActivityManager: false
07-31 18:45:03.327 10694 10723 I chatty : uid=10027(io.appium.uiautomator2.server) expire 25 lines
07-31 18:45:03.338 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.798 3084 3084 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:448$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:883 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:100
07-31 18:45:03.392 5598 5638 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Thread-3 identical 1 line
07-31 18:45:03.448 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.799 3084 3084 I SdkServ : receive
07-31 18:45:03.799 3084 3084 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:669$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$getRunnable$0$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args:1556$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$
07-31 18:45:03.800 2099 8750 D IxxxxService : background service conversion ALLOWED: : trgt SDK Version: 17
07-31 18:45:03.800 2099 8750 I System.out: true
07-31 18:45:03.800 2099 8750 D IxxxxService : background service conversion ALLOWED: : trgt SDK Version: 17
07-31 18:45:03.800 2099 8750 W ActivityManager: 0
07-31 18:45:03.800 2099 8750 D ActivityManager: false
07-31 18:45:03.800 3084 3084 I SdkServ : CMN:SYS:checkLocks
07-31 18:45:03.801 3084 3084 I SdkServ : CMN:SRV:onStartCommand
07-31 18:45:03.817 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.858 10694 10723 I appium : MID->NO CACHE elements
07-31 18:45:03.858 10694 10723 I appium : Found zero matches
07-31 18:45:03.858 10694 10723 I appium : AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"db402b4e-b9af-4a1f-a83e-8dcecc16baa7","value":[]}
07-31 18:45:03.873 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:03.926 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:04.368 10694 10723 I appium : channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/db402b4e-b9af-4a1f-a83e-8dcecc16baa7/elements
07-31 18:45:04.368 10694 10723 I appium : FindElements command
07-31 18:45:04.369 10694 10723 I appium : method: 'xpath', selector: '//[@text='インデックス紙'];NO_CACHE'
07-31 18:45:04.369 10694 10723 I appium : Waiting up to 10000ms for the device to idle
07-31 18:45:04.371 10694 10723 I appium : The following attributes will be included to the page source: [text]
07-31 18:45:04.377 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #1 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1f091; boundsInParent: Rect(302, 60 - 999, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(302, 100 - 999, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.377 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #2 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1f091; boundsInParent: Rect(302, 60 - 999, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(302, 100 - 999, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.377 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #0 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1ee44; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1024, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(0, 40 - 1024, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.377 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #1 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1ee44; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1024, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(0, 40 - 1024, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.381 10694 10723 I appium : Took 0ms to retrieve 0 matches for '//[@text='インデックス紙']' XPath query
07-31 18:45:04.381 10694 10723 I appium : Found zero matches
07-31 18:45:04.381 10694 10723 I appium : AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"db402b4e-b9af-4a1f-a83e-8dcecc16baa7","value":[]}
07-31 18:45:04.398 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:04.454 5598 5638 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Thread-3 identical 1 line
07-31 18:45:04.510 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:04.894 10694 10723 I appium : channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/db402b4e-b9af-4a1f-a83e-8dcecc16baa7/elements
07-31 18:45:04.895 10694 10723 I appium : FindElements command
07-31 18:45:04.896 10694 10723 I appium : method: 'xpath', selector: '//[@text='インデックス紙'];NO_CACHE'
07-31 18:45:04.896 10694 10723 I appium : Waiting up to 10000ms for the device to idle
07-31 18:45:04.898 10694 10723 I appium : The following attributes will be included to the page source: [text]
07-31 18:45:04.903 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #1 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1f091; boundsInParent: Rect(302, 60 - 999, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(302, 100 - 999, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.903 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #2 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1f091; boundsInParent: Rect(302, 60 - 999, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(302, 100 - 999, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.903 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #0 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1ee44; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1024, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(0, 40 - 1024, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.903 10694 10723 I appium : The child node #1 of android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@1ee44; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1024, 520); boundsInScreen: Rect(0, 40 - 1024, 560); packageName:; className: android.view.View; text: ; error: ; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; tooltipText: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; importantForAccessibility: false; visible: true; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null] is null
07-31 18:45:04.907 10694 10723 I appium : Took 0ms to retrieve 0 matches for '//[@text='インデックス紙']' XPath query
07-31 18:45:04.907 10694 10723 I appium : Found zero matches
07-31 18:45:04.908 10694 10723 I appium : AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"db402b4e-b9af-4a1f-a83e-8dcecc16baa7","value":[]}
07-31 18:45:04.931 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:04.932 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() ip=/fe80::226:73ff:fe0c:d60f%usb0 len=1
07-31 18:45:04.932 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() family=10
07-31 18:45:04.932 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() address=0
07-31 18:45:04.932 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() save cache
07-31 18:45:04.987 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:05.042 5598 5638 I global : lookupHostByName() - String Address from Method as : gw.machine.address
07-31 18:45:05.404 2812 2812 I MoniServ:MoniServ networkHandler Boopalan: class
07-31 18:45:05.405 2644 2644 I LegacyUIapl: recv OCS_STATE_ASK
07-31 18:45:05.405 2644 2644 I LegacyUIapl: modified:85
07-31 18:45:05.405 2812 2812 I MoniServ:AppMngr(R: Entry OcsStateAns to MonitorService
Is there any solution?thanks