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Running Client Codebase

Appsmith's client (UI/frontend) uses the ReactJS library and Typescript. The application also uses libraries like react-redux and redux-saga for workflows. We use VS Code Editor as our primary editor.

How to Setup Appsmith for Client Side Development


On your development machine, please ensure that:

  1. You have docker installed in your system. If not, please visit:

  2. You have mkcert installed. Please visit: for details.

    • For mkcert to work with Firefox, you may need to install the nss utility. Details are in the link above.

    • On Linux, you can easily install mkcert using the following command

      curl -s \
      | grep "browser_download_url.*linux-amd64" \
      | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" \
      | wget -i - -O mkcert
      chmod +x  mkcert
      sudo mv mkcert /usr/local/bin
  3. You have envsubst installed. Use brew install gettext on MacOS. Linux machines usually have this installed.

  4. You have cloned the repo in your local machine.

  5. You have yarn installed as a global npm package, i.e. npm install -g yarn.

  6. Create local HTTPS certificates

    1. Run the following command from the project root.

      cd app/client/docker && mkcert -install && mkcert "*" && cd ../../..

      This command will create 2 files in the docker/ directory:

    2. Add the domain to /etc/hosts.

      echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts


      • Please be careful when copying the above string as space between the IP and the string goes missing sometimes.

      • Please check that the string is copied properly

        cat /etc/hosts | grep appsmith
  7. Run cmd: cp .env.example .env

  8. Run Backend server

    • The backend server can be run in two ways
      1. Use Appsmith's staging server hosted at for development purposes. (Recommended)
      2. Run the backend server locally. To setup the backend server locally, refer here.
    • Run the script to start the nginx container that will proxy the frontend requests to the backend server.
      • Pass the server name as an argument to this command to use that server as backend.

        cd app/client
        ./ // uses Appsmith's staging backend server as backend for your local frontend code
      • If you want to use the backend server running on your local, you do not need to pass a parameter when running

Steps to build & run the code:

  1. Run yarn install.


    • On the Ubuntu Linux platform, please run the following cmd before step 2 below:

      echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
  2. Run yarn start.

    • 🎉 Your Appsmith client is now running on
    • This URL must be opened with https and not have port 3000 in it.
  3. If yarn start throws mismatch node version error

    • This error occurs because the node version is not compatible with the app environment. In this case, Node version manager can be used, allowing multiple node versions in different projects.

    • Check below for installation and usage details:

      1. Install a node version manager. For eg: check nvm or fnm.
      2. In the project's root, run nvm use 16.14.0 or fnm use 16.14.0.

Running Tests on Client

Integration Tests

  • To pass credentials for logging in your cypress tests, you can create a local file app/client/cypress.env.json to populate USERNAME and PASSWORD env variables or use one of the methods from their docs.

      "USERNAME": "Enter username",
      "PASSWORD": "Enter password"
  • To run cypress application for running tests, use these commands below,

      cd app/client
      yarn run cytest
  • In order to run cypress tests which use datasources/rest api, you will need to have TED (Test Event Driver) container running: (It bundles multiple services together along with fake data for testing)

    docker pull appsmith/test-event-driver
    docker run --name appsmithted -d -p 2222:22 -p 5001:5001 -p 3306:3306 -p 28017:27017 -p 5432:5432 -p 25:25 -p 5000:5000 -p 3000:3000 -v `pwd`/git-server/keys:/git-server/keys -v `pwd`/git-server/repos:/git-server/repo appsmith/test-event-driver
  • You need to have client and server running locally to run TED

  • Running appsmith backend server locally

    • There are two configurations available for running the backend server locally.
      1. Running the server from source code.
      2. Running the server from a docker image. There are two ways to get a backend docker image
        1. Pull latest release branch docker image from Appsmith's public docker hub account.

          docker rm appsmith;
          cd ~/appsmith;
          rm -rf stacks;
          docker pull appsmith/appsmith-ce
          docker run -d --name appsmith -p 8000:80 -p 9001:9001 appsmith/appsmith-ce:latest;
          docker logs -f appsmith;
          ./ http://localhost:8000 // if nginx is installed locally 
          ./ http://host.docker.internal:8000 // if nginx is running on docker
        2. Create docker image from local source code

          cd ~/appsmith
          ./scripts/ -l # This builds a fat docker image of local backend and frontend
          # The docker image created above will show up in your docker desktop application
          docker run -d --name appsmith -p 8000:80 -p 9001:9001 appsmith/appsmith-ce:local-testing;
          ./ http://localhost:8000 // if nginx is installed locally 
          ./ http://host.docker.internal:8000 // if nginx is running on docker
  • Please check out our Testing Contribution guide for more details on setting up & troubleshooting Cypress runs on your machine.

Running Unit Tests

  • To run the Jest unit tests, run:

      cd app/client
      yarn run test:unit
  • To run a single jest test,

      cd app/client
      # Run either command below to run a test
      npx jest <file_path/file_name>
      # or
      yarn jest src/widgets/<filepath>/<filename>.test.ts --silent=false
  • To run a single jest test in watch mode,

      npx jest --watch <file_path/file_name>

Windows WSL2 Setup

How to Setup Appsmith for Client Side Development in Windows

Before you follow the instructions above, make sure to check the following steps:

  1. You have WSL2 setup in your machine. If not, please visit:
  2. You have Node.js installed on the WSL Distro.
  3. You have Docker Desktop installed with the WSL2 backend. If not, please visit:

In the above Docker Desktop Setup instructions, make sure to:

  1. Set WSL Distro to run in WSL2 mode.
  2. Enable integration with the WSL Distro in Docker Desktop.
  3. Install Remote-WSL extension in VSCode.

Make sure to Clone the Repo in the WSL file system instead of the Windows file system.

And finally, you can open the folder in VSCode with WSL by following the instructions in Docker Desktop Setup, or by,

  1. Clicking on the Green button on the Bottom Left corner in VSCode.
  2. Selecting Open Folder in WSL and navigating to the folder in WSL.

After this, you can continue Setting up from here.


I am on WSL and can't reach

  • You will need to add to Windows' C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts instead of /etc/hosts. Alternately, you can install a desktop environment in WSL to open from a browser in WSL.
  • WSL network with windows can be brittle; make sure you can reach from windows. If not, restarting wsl usually resolves the issue.

Docker container doesn't work

  • You can check logs with docker logs wildcard-nginx.

  • If you see Address already in use errors, look for the service running on port 80 and 443 with lsof -i tcp:80,443 | grep LISTEN and stop the process.

    Example: Some Linux distros have apache2 listening on 80. Stop them with sudo systemctl stop apache2

I want to add conf to my local Nginx without Docker.

  1. Copy app/client/docker/templates/nginx-app.conf.template over to your nginx sites directory.
  2. You can remove or replace values for all the sub_filter. None of those properties are required.
  3. Change proxy_pass value for client from __APPSMITH_CLIENT_PROXY_PASS__ to http://localhost:3000
  4. Replace all occurrences of __APPSMITH_SERVER_PROXY_PASS__ with http://localhost:8080 (or the server you want to point to)
  5. Generate the certificates manually via mkcert.
  6. Change the value of the certificate location for keys ssl_certificate & ssl_certificate_key to the place where these certificates were generated.
  7. Reload nginx! 🎉

I still need help!

Please open a Github issue or join our discord server.