The "Arduino_TensorFlowLite" library dependency of these tutorials was removed from Library Manager at the request of the TensorFlow Lite Micro maintainers (arduino/library-registry#1748).
That removal impacts this project in several ways:
The installation instructions specify installation of the library from Library Manager:
Install the following Arduino libraries using the Library manager:
- TensorFlow Lite library (search for "Arduino_TensorFlowLite")
This is no longer possible.
TensorFlow's library must be installed manually. The library's documentation provides instructions:
TensorFlow's library does not contain the file tensorflow/lite/version.h
, so the code that contains an #include
directive for this header no longer compiles:
home/runner/work/ArduinoTensorFlowLiteTutorials/ArduinoTensorFlowLiteTutorials/GestureToEmoji/ArduinoSketches/IMU_Classifier/IMU_Classifier.ino:28:10: fatal error: tensorflow/lite/version.h: No such file or directory
#include <tensorflow/lite/version.h>
compilation terminated.
The repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow that provides a "smoke test" on relevant changes to the project by compiling the sketches:
The workflow is configured to install the dependency from Library Manager, which now fails:
Running command: /home/runner/bin/arduino-cli lib install Arduino_TensorFlowLite
Error installing Arduino_TensorFlowLite: Library 'Arduino_TensorFlowLite' not found