When I try prvisioning a arduino uno r4 from my Apple Macbook M1 Pro device on Mac OS 14.6.1 (23G93) using the cli i get the following error message:
arduino-cloud-cli device create --name my-uno-r4 --fqbn arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi
Error during device create: board with fqbn arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi found at port /dev/cu.usbmodemDC5475C4F15C2 is not a device with a supported crypto-chip.
Try the 'create-lora' command instead if it's a LoRa device or 'create-generic' otherwise
The uno wifi is obviously not a lora board...
I have really looked forward to using Arduino cloud due to it's usefull dashboard and ota features, but it's a requirement for me to be able to use the cli. I really can't understand what i'm doing wrong given that it's supposed to be a supported board in the list you provide. Either the error message is wrong or your documentation is wrong, so that's why i'm posting an issue here, with the hope of finding out if this is supposed to work.
Thanks so much in advance!
Arduino cloud cli is of the latest version as of writing:
arduino-cloud-cli version
arduino-cloud-cli Version: 0.2.6 Commit: ea7cfdc Date: 2024-08-28T08:48:36Z
Arduino cli is also the latest version as of writing
arduino-cli version
arduino-cli Version: 1.0.4 Commit: Homebrew Date: 2024-08-12T13:32:50Z
The installed firmware on the device is the latest, 0.4.1