Hello there,
It seems there is a bug in the plot_surface method of the FuzzySystem class that results in an incorrect surface plot.
In order to make the problem more evident, I changed slightly the code example provided in . The following code reproduces the issue:
from simpful import *
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from numpy import linspace, array
FS = FuzzySystem()
S_1 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=0, c=5), term="poor")
S_2 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=5, c=10), term="good")
S_3 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=5, b=10, c=10), term="excellent")
lvarS = LinguisticVariable([S_1, S_2, S_3], concept="Service quality", universe_of_discourse=[0,10])
FS.add_linguistic_variable("Service", lvarS)
F_1 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=0, c=10), term="rancid")
F_2 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=10, c=10), term="delicious")
lvarF = LinguisticVariable([F_1, F_2], concept="Food quality", universe_of_discourse=[0,10])
FS.add_linguistic_variable("Food", lvarF)
T_1 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=0, c=10), term="small")
T_2 = FuzzySet(function=Triangular_MF(a=0, b=10, c=20), term="average")
T_3 = FuzzySet(function=Trapezoidal_MF(a=10, b=20, c=25, d=25), term="generous")
lvarT = LinguisticVariable([T_1, T_2, T_3], universe_of_discourse=[0,25])
FS.add_linguistic_variable("Tip", lvarT)
R1 = "IF (Service IS excellent) THEN (Tip IS generous)"
fig = FS.plot_surface(variables=['Service', 'Food'], output='Tip', detail=5)
The relevant change here is that a single rule "IF (Service IS excellent) THEN (Tip IS generous)" was added to the fuzzy system.
Observed output: The resulting plot (image bellow) incorrectly suggests that the tip increases with food quality instead of service quality.
The version of the packages I used in this execution:
- simpful 2.12.0
- numpy 1.26.4
- scipy 1.12.0
- matplotlib 3.8.3
I also replicated the issue with the following versions:
- simpful 2.12.0
- numpy 1.26.4
- scipy 1.13.1
- matplotlib 3.7.1
Is this really an unexpected behavior?