- Chat client with scientific enhancements
- World-map with university/department connectivity and information about paper output etc. This can be used for job searching of academics or for public outreach.
- Basic chat client for text
- Scripting capabilities
- Publishing API hooks to:
- to show information about people in the chat
- to provide basic query functionality such as seaching publications by auther, finding paper by doi, etc. We can only do this if APIs are simple enough to use
- Latex rendering
- Links
- Images + Gifs
- Sharing data
- Tables
- nbconvert -> TODO
- enabling R -> TODO
- Is polling an issue?
- eLife. In its current state not really usable.
- general
- Mendeley? Seems to be good if users are members of Mendeley, else not clear if using it is good.
- Look for beaker logo
- Look for svg python
- Look for svg r