There is a requirement to make this plugin configuration cache-compatible and also to prepare for some future Gradle features such as isolated projects and declartative gradle..
This also means that we'll only support Gradle 7.3 and later.
It gives us the chance to do some much needed restructuring and use Asciidoctorj 3.x engine.
To prepare a 5.x release of this plugin-suite I propose some radical (and breaking) changes to the DSL.
It would be great to get some feedback from the community on these.
The current DSL
A typical usage might be something like
plugins {
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.convert' version '4.0.1'
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.pdf' version '4.0.1'
asciidoctorj {
// Global configuration
asciidoctor {
asciidoctorj {
// local customisation for HTML conversion
asciidoctorPdf {
asciidoctorj {
// local customisation for PDF conversion
Feedback from the community has indicated that the major issue with this is that this needs to use two different sources and that asciidoctorPdf
needs to be modified to use the same source as the asciidoctor
They would prefer to have one task again and declare all of the output types in one place like it was with the 1.x & 2.x releases
With 3.x & 4.x we broke away from that becasue we did want to provide better DSLs for specific output types and we did not want to unnecessarily have asciidoctor output jars on the classpath that are not needed.
The changes for v5
Instead of customising tasks, I think we should move to a model, which are gaing momentum in the Gradle world, and that is to declare source sets and each declaration will then create the appropriate tasks.
This means that we can still have a asciidoctor
and an asciidoctorPdf
task, but that we do all the common configuration in the source set.
asciidoc {
sourceSets {
main {
sourceDir = 'src/docs/asciidoc' // This will be the default location as before
sources {
include 'toplevel.adoc', 'another.adoc', 'third.adoc'
backends {
jvm {
pdf {
// configuration specific to PDF output
revealjs {
// configuration specific to Reveal.js output
js {
html5 {
// configuration specific to HTML5 output when run with asciidoctor.js
engines {
asciidoctorj {
// configuration specific to the asciidoctoj engine
myExtra {
sources {
include 'foo.adoc', 'bar.adoc'
This will create two source sets.
By default the source directories will be src/docs/asciidoc
and src/docs/asciidocMyExtra
Output directories will be build/docs/asciidoc
and build/adocs/asciidocMyExtra
Most of the configuration that is availabe today as per will be available on each sourceset.
All the backends for output will be declared in one place.
Certain backends will only be available if another plugin is applied.
The backends also declare on which engine it should be run - JVM or JS.
Engines are made available via plugins.
I will not be possioble to run the same backend (output format) on two different engines within the same source set.
If no backends are specified, it will be assumed that it will html5
on the Ja
Assuming that all the plugins have been applied, the above will create the following tasks:
Example: Working with PDF
import org.asciidoctor.pdf.theme.Local
import org.asciidoctor.pdf.theme.Github
plugins {
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.convert' version '5.0.0'
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.pdf' version '5.0.0'
asciidoc {
pdf { // Themes are global to all source sets.
themes {
basic(Local) {
themeDir = file('themes/basic')
themeName = 'very-basic'
fancy(Github) {
organisation = 'fwilhe2'
repository = 'corporate-theme'
relativePath = 'resources/themes'
tag = '1.0.1'
sourceSets {
main {
backends {
jvm {
pdf {
theme = 'basic' // Use the defined theme.
It is proposed that the pdfThemes
extension becomes an extension on asciidoc