Hello everyone, has anyone here ever encountered the error that the code from Google OAuth is not valid when I try to exchange it for a token from the backend? I followed this article to implement a login flow with Google using nuxt-utils, but when the code is sent to the backend, it becomes invalid, resulting in the error: failed to exchange Google token
Guide to using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs
This is my code to handle login google oauth.
// @ts-nocheck
export default defineOAuthGoogleEventHandler({
config: {
authorizationURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
userURL: '',
authorizationParams: {
scope: 'email profile openid'
// @ts-ignore
async onSuccess(event) {
const query = await getQuery(event);
const code = query.code; // This code isn't valid when I sent to backend
// Check if the data user is matched from the database
// If it's matched then then make user login else redirect user to register page
// Construct a script to close the popup and notify the parent
const closeScript = `
if (window.opener) {
window.opener.postMessage({ success: true, code: '${code}' }, '*');
// Return a response that runs the script
// return sendRedirect(event, '/auth/register')
return send(event, closeScript, 'text/html');
onError(event, error) {
console.error('Google OAuth error:', error);
// You can choose to send an error response instead of redirecting
return sendRedirect(event, '/')
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