Hey there. I'm using atlassian_jwt_auth
in an ayncio context; specifically using pytest-asyncio for the event loop creation. By default this library creates a new event loop for each test. (This is my desired behavior.)
However when running two tests that both utilize the HTTPSPublicKeyRetriever, the second test fails because the cached HTTPSPublicKeyRetriever._class_session
is used with a now-shutdown event loop.
I've gotten around this with a fixture like so:
async def clean_https_session():
await HTTPSPublicKeyRetriever._class_session.close()
HTTPSPublicKeyRetriever._class_session = None
However this feels sort of wacky. Ideally I'd like the library to detect this and invalidate the _class_session either when the loop is shut down or when the session is gotten.
Adding a conditional here of client.loop != self.loop
fixes the issue, but client.loop
is deprecated in aiohttp and actually has been removed in the newest master branch.