I am migrating over from react-beautiful-dnd (RBD) to pragmatic-dnd (PD). I had some Cypress tests working with RBD, which were modelled on this example. However, now I am on PD, they no longer work.
I found this plugin, but this also doesn't seem to be dragging the draggable element.
I noticed a Cypress example on the PD website, but this also does not seem to be dragging the element, for example:
const options = {
force: true,
eventConstructor: 'DragEvent',
// If you wanted to fake dragging particular data,
// you can add it to this `DataTransfer` with `.setData()`
// See:
dataTransfer: new DataTransfer(),
cy.get(subject).trigger('dragstart', options);
cy.get(target).trigger('dragenter', options).trigger('drop', options);
Does PD work with Cypress at all? If so, do you have any examples of tests or plugins that should support it?
I'm using Cypress 13.17.0
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