@collab-with-tushar-raj @alexreardon @DeolaJ @debo07 @tnhu
Hi guys I am facing similar to same issue , My scenario is little complex . Working in Next js.
if you see the attached screenshot
Depth 0 question is : Do you have Card??
Depth 1 questions are : "Card Type ?" and "Card Company?"
Depth 2 questions are : "which Bank" and "CVV number"
Depth 3 question is : "Specify your bank"
Now in Depth 0(Root Level) I can easily reorder the questions also in Depth 1(Child Level) I can easily reorder the questions with the help of react-beautiful-DND but after child level I mean after depth 1 in Any depth i am not able to reorder the questions or items with DND .
Getting wrong destination in when i tried to reorder nested child from depth 2 , but perfectly working in depth 1.
const onDragEnd = (result) => {
const { source, destination } = result;
console.log(source, destination)