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Migration Guide

5.x to 6.x

Popper.js was updated to v2. The instance.popperInstance and popperOptions APIs have changed. You can view its documentation here.


iife was replaced with umd (Rollup chunking has been removed).

HTML Content

To protect against XSS by default, allowHTML is now false by default. If you're passing strings of HTML to content, you must set allowHTML: true.


If you were creating custom themes

View details

.tippy-tooltip has become .tippy-box, and theming is done via an attribute now, to match the other props.

The following:

.tippy-tooltip.tomato-theme {
  background-color: tomato;

Has become:

.tippy-box[data-theme~='tomato'] {
  background-color: tomato;

The ~= attribute operator allows you to specify mutliple theme names like before with class names.

For .tippy-arrow, you'll need to specify its color on the ::before pseudo-element.

The following:

.tippy-tooltip.tomato-theme[data-placement^='top'] > .tippy-arrow {
  border-top-color: tomato;

Has become:

.tippy-box[data-theme~='tomato'][data-placement^='top'] > .tippy-arrow::before {
  border-top-color: tomato;

In addition, if you were altering the pixel values, it may need to be adjusted.

In addition, Popper 2 changed some attribute names.


.tippy-tooltip[data-out-of-boundaries] {
  visibility: hidden;

Has become:

.tippy-box[data-reference-hidden] {
  visibility: hidden;

If you were targeting .tippy-popper

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.tippy-popper is no longer a selector, and is considered an implementation detail for the most part now. [data-tippy-root] attribute selector replaces it if necessary.


If you were using instance.popperChildren

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This no longer exists due to the user's ability to specify any structured DOM with render() (Headless Tippy).

To access the .tippy-box element with the default render function (.tippy-tooltip in v5):

const box = instance.popper.firstElementChild;


If you were using .show() or .hide() with a duration argument

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These no longer take a duration argument. Instead, use .setProps({duration: ...}) before calling them if necessary.

To replicate .hide(0):



If you were using boundary

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Often, this was to solve a problem in Popper 1, where you set boundary: "window". This is no longer necessary. If you'd like to change it anyway, you can set it in popperOptions:

tippy(targets, {
  popperOptions: {
    modifiers: [
        name: 'preventOverflow',
        options: {
          // equivalent to boundary: 'window' in v1, usually NOT necessary in v2
          rootBoundary: 'document',

If you were using distance or offset

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These have been merged into a single offset prop, to match Popper 2's new API.

The following:

tippy(targets, {
  offset: 5,
  distance: 10,

Has become:

tippy(targets, {
  offset: [5, 10],

This tuple also directly replaces offset: "5, 10".

If you were using flip, flipBehavior, or flipOnUpdate

View details

All of these have been removed. To configure these, specify them in popperOptions:

tippy(targets, {
  placement: 'bottom',
  popperOptions: {
    modifiers: [
        name: 'flip',
        // flip: false
        enabled: false,
        options: {
          // flipBehavior: ['bottom', 'right', 'top']
          fallbackPlacements: ['right', 'top'],

flipOnUpdate has no replacement yet. It's always true.

If you were using aria

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This has become an object to allow for better configurability. By default Tippy will infer what to use (auto), but this can be overridden.


interface Props {
  // ...
  aria: {
    content?: 'auto' | 'describedby' | 'labelledby' | null;
    expanded?: 'auto' | boolean;
tippy(targets, {
  aria: {
    // `null` when interactive is enabled
    content: 'auto', // `aria-*` attribute
    // `true` when interactive is enabled
    expanded: 'auto', // `aria-expanded` attribute

If you were using multiple or relying on its behavior

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Due to static typing issues, it's been removed. Calling tippy() again on the same element will now always create a new tippy for it. Avoid calling tippy() multiple times on the same reference if you don't want multiple tippies created for it.

If you were using updateDuration

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It's now moveTransition, which is a whole transition string. This allows you to specify the easing function.

tippy(targets, {
  moveTransition: 'transform 0.2s ease-out',

If you were using lazy

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It's been removed. The popperInstance is now created and destroyed on mount/unmount. If you were using this for ReferenceObjects, see below.

The following:

tippy(targets, {
  lazy: false,
  onCreate(instance) {
    instance.popperInstance.reference = {
      clientWidth: 0,
      clientHeight: 0,
      getBoundingClientRect() {
        return {
          // ...

Has become a single prop:

tippy(targets, {
  getReferenceClientRect: () => ({
    // ...

This implements Popper 2's Virtual Elements API.


IE11 is not supported by default anymore, but can be polyfilled. View the Browser Support page on the documentation for details.

4.x to 5.x


Make sure you have DEV warnings enabled by setting NODE_ENV=development and ensuring your bundler replaces process.env.NODE_ENV with the string "development".

  • webpack: via mode option
  • Rollup: via rollup-plugin-replace
  • Parcel: automatic
  • Browserify/Gulp/Grunt/others: View details


<script src=""></script>
<!-- Specify development file -->
<script src=""></script>
When you're finished, you can remove everything after @5 
(or when deploying for production) 
<script src=""></script>


Previously, the default import injected the CSS stylesheet into <head>:

import tippy from 'tippy.js';

In v5, this import is now side-effect free to work better with dependencies when users have CSP enabled or using frameworks that control the <head>.

You should import the CSS separately:

import tippy from 'tippy.js';
import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css';

You can however opt-in to use the injected CSS version, just like v4:

// Just like v4
import tippy from 'tippy.js/dist/tippy-bundle.esm';

// Or CommonJS:
const tippy = require('tippy.js/dist/tippy-bundle.cjs');

data-tippy attribute

This technique of auto initialization was removed to keep the import side-effect free. Initializing via the tippy() constructor is required.


If you want the animateFill effect back (it's no longer default)

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import tippy, {animateFill} from 'tippy.js';
import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css';

// These stylesheets are required for it to work
import 'tippy.js/dist/backdrop.css';
import 'tippy.js/animations/shift-away.css';

tippy(targets, {
  animateFill: true,
  plugins: [animateFill],


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  tippy(targets, {
    content: 'tooltip',
    animateFill: true,

If you were using default animations or creating custom animations

View details
  • Make sure your visible state has no translation (of 0px, instead of 10px like before).
  • shift-away, shift-toward, scale and perspective need to be imported separately now.


import 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css';




If you were using interactive: true

View details

When using interactive: true, the tippy may be invisible or appear cut off if your reference element is in a container with:

  • position (e.g. fixed, absolute, sticky)
  • overflow: hidden

To fix add the following prop (recommended):

tippy(reference, {
  // ...
  popperOptions: {
    positionFixed: true,

Or, if the above causes issues:

tippy(reference, {
  // ...
  appendTo: document.body,

⚠️ For the latter, you need to be employing focus mangement for accessibility.

If you were using arrowType: 'round'

View details

Import the svg-arrow CSS, and the roundArrow string, and use the arrow prop instead.


import {roundArrow} from 'tippy.js';
import 'tippy.js/dist/svg-arrow.css';

tippy(targets, {
  arrow: roundArrow,


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  tippy(targets, {
    arrow: tippy.roundArrow,

If you were using followCursor

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import tippy, {followCursor} from 'tippy.js';

tippy('button', {
  followCursor: true,
  plugins: [followCursor],


(Works as before.)

If you were using sticky

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import tippy, {sticky} from 'tippy.js';

tippy('button', {
  sticky: true,
  plugins: [sticky],


(Works as before.)

If you were using target

View details

Use delegate().


import tippy, {delegate} from 'tippy.js';

delegate('#parent', {target: 'button'});


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  tippy.delegate('#parent', {target: 'button'});

If you were using showOnInit

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It's now named showOnCreate, to match the onCreate lifecycle hook

If you were using size

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It's been removed, as it's more flexible to just use a theme and specify the font-size and padding properties.

If you were using touchHold

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Use touch: "hold" instead.

If you were using a11y

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Ensure non-focusable elements have tabindex="0" added to them. Otherwise, use natively focusable elements everywhere possible.

If you were using wait

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Use the onTrigger and onUntrigger lifecycles and temporarily disable the instance.

tippy(targets, {
  onTrigger(instance) {
    // Make your async call...
    // Once finished:
  onUntrigger(instance) {
    // Re-enable the instance here depending on the async cancellation logic


If you were using instance.set()

View details
- instance.set({});
+ instance.setProps({});

Static methods

If you were using tippy.setDefaults()

View details
- tippy.defaults;
+ tippy.defaultProps;
- tippy.setDefaults({});
+ tippy.setDefaultProps({});

If you were using tippy.hideAll()

View details

In ESM/CJS contexts, it's no longer attached to tippy


import {hideAll} from 'tippy.js';



(Works as before.)

If you were using

View details

Use createSingleton().


import tippy, {createSingleton} from 'tippy.js';

createSingleton(tippy('button'), {delay: 1000});


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  tippy.createSingleton(tippy('button'), {delay: 1000});


If you were using the included themes

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  • google is now material

If you were creating custom themes

View details
  • [x-placement] attribute is now [data-placement]
  • [x-out-of-boundaries] is now [data-out-of-boundaries]
  • .tippy-roundarrow is now .tippy-svg-arrow
  • .tippy-tooltip no longer has padding on it, rather the .tippy-content selector does.
  • .tippy-tooltip no longer has text-align: center


If you were using virtual reference objects

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Set instance.popperInstance.reference = ReferenceObject in the onTrigger lifecycle, or onCreate with lazy: false.


View details
  • Props is not Partial anymore, it's Required
  • Options removed (use Partial<Props>)
  • BasicPlacement renamed to BasePlacement