Attempting to modify the schema in src/schema.ts
to add support for <hr>
looks initially like it will work, but instead attempting to load a document with one in causes automerge-prosemirror to crash during initialization:
Uncaught Error: Match cannot be null
set currentMatch traversal.ts:619
newBlock traversal.ts:650
traverseSpans traversal.ts:597
pmDocFromSpans traversal.ts:64
init index.ts:84
<anonymous> main.ts:40
It crashes in a similar way--the top four frames are identical--while-you-edit if two copies of the page are open pointing at the same document.
The actual substantial change to repro is to copy src/schema.ts
and modify the bit about horizontal rules to read
/// A horizontal rule (`<hr>`).
horizontal_rule: {
automerge: {
block: "__ext__horizontal-rule",
isEmbed: true,
group: "block",
parseDOM: [{ tag: "hr" }],
toDOM() {
return hrDOM
} as NodeSpec,
then pass the resulting schemaAdapter
to init()
. is a vanilla JS example sufficient to reproduce, npm run dev
, open the URL, try inserting a <hr>
using the toolbar (could probably paste one too), observe that reloading the page fails, as does opening it in a second tab.