Using the JamfPackageCleaner in our DEV environment works fine, however in out Pre-Prod environment the processor responds with the following with -vvvv logging enabled and looking at the Jamf Upload logs:
"504 gateway timeout" from the API response for three attempts and then on the 4th attempt it responds with "The server has not found anything matching the request URI". This continues for the remaining attempts before generating a response code 404.
The traceback references a few areas of the processor in particular:", line 305, in main
self.delete_package(", line 161, in delete_package
raise ProcessorError("ERROR: Package deletion failed "
Upon completion of the recipe run it appears that the package has actually been deleted looking in Jamf. The actual output from autopkgr displayed in the terminal is as follows:
JamfPackageCleaner: Deleting package...
JamfPackageCleaner: Package delete attempt 1
JamfPackageCleaner: UNKNOWN ERROR: Package '3259' deletion failed. Will try again.
If there was a way for the timeout to be managed better it would be helpful as at the moment it stops after attempting the first package deletion and doesn't attempt any other in scope that aren't defined in versions_to_keep variable. Therefore numerous runs would be required to complete this and scheduling something with launched seems a lot of work if this could be resolved.