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- I have searched for duplicate or closed issues and discussions.
- I have read the guide for submitting bug reports.
- I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistently reproducing the issue.
JavaScript Framework
React Native
Amplify APIs
Amplify Categories
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Environment information
# Put output below this line
"@aws-amplify/api": "^4.0.14",
"@aws-amplify/auth": "^4.3.4",
"@aws-amplify/core": "^4.2.8",
"react-native": "0.64.2"
Describe the bug
When using Auth0OAuthOpts rather than AwsCognitoOAuthOpts (shown below), an unhandled promise rejection error occurred.
export interface AwsCognitoOAuthOpts {
domain: string;
scope: Array;
redirectSignIn: string;
redirectSignOut: string;
responseType: string;
options?: object;
urlOpener?: (url: string, redirectUrl: string) => Promise;
}export function isCognitoHostedOpts(
oauth: OAuthOpts
): oauth is AwsCognitoOAuthOpts {
return (oauth).redirectSignIn !== undefined;
}export interface Auth0OAuthOpts {
domain: string;
clientID: string;
scope: string;
redirectUri: string;
audience: string;
responseType: string;
returnTo: string;
urlOpener?: (url: string, redirectUrl: string) => Promise;
}export type OAuthOpts = AwsCognitoOAuthOpts | Auth0OAuthOpts;
Expected behavior
Using Auth0OAuthOpts should behave the same as AwsCognitoOAuthOpts, such as opening the WebUI.
Reproduction steps
- Use below Amplify OAuth Config:
oauth: {
domain: auth0_domain,
clientID: auth0_client_id,
scope: 'email openid',
redirectUri: auth0CallbackUri,
responseType: 'code',
returnTo: auth0CallbackUri,},
- Call the below API
Auth.federatedSignIn({customProvider: 'auth0'})
- An Unhandled Promise Rejection error occurred
Code Snippet
// Put your code below this line.
Log output
// Put your logs below this line
WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
TypeError: Cannot read property 'oauthSignIn' of undefined
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No response