Describe the bug
The Cloud9 NotFoundException
error is not being deserialized correctly.
A JSON response of
{"__type":"NotFoundException","className":"NotFound","code":404,"message":"Unable to find [289ff5bae55240f89da9cddb1951fda4] in database."}
does not return a types.NotFoundException
, instead at the Go SDK level we get
request failed with unretryable error https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 1c2eb684-9adb-4f01-9b37-8c5940f45472, deserialization failed, failed to decode response body, json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field .Code of type string
Expected Behavior
Expected types.NotFoundException
to be returned as a Go error
Current Behavior
See above.
Reproduction Steps
Call cloud9.DescribeEnvironments()
with a non-existent environment ID.
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
AWS Go SDK V2 Module Versions Used v1.22.7
Compiler and Version used
go version go1.20.10 darwin/amd64
Operating System and version
macOS Ventura 13.6