- I have searched ( for past instances of this issue
- I have verified all of my SDK modules are up-to-date (you can perform a bulk update with
go get -u
Describe the bug
DiscoverInstances prefixes "data-" to the hostname, rendering localhost (specifically localstack) tests useless, as the hostname "data-localhost" doesn't exist.
Expected Behavior
I would like to use all servicediscovery functions. I'm not sure why others work and DiscoverInstances specifically does this
Current Behavior
I end up with an error like this:
2024-03-14T12:39:51.350703Z error unable to refresh Cloud Map cache due to error, using existing cache: error retrieving instance list from Cloud Map for "1" in "testns": operation error ServiceDiscovery: DiscoverInstances, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , request send failed, Post "http://data-localhost:32957/": dial tcp: lookup data-localhost: no such host
Reproduction Steps
localstack requires an authenticated docker image (localstack-pro) to run, so probably reproduction won't help as much, but the command that fails looks like this:
instOutput, err := client.DiscoverInstances(ctx, &servicediscovery.DiscoverInstancesInput{ServiceName: svc.Name, NamespaceName: ns.Name})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error retrieving instance list from Cloud Map for %q in %q", *svc.Name, *ns.Name)
Possible Solution
maybe there is a way to avoid this part of the stack. I don't mind a workaround for testing.
Additional Information/Context
where the prefix happens:
AWS Go SDK V2 Module Versions Used v1.25.3 v1.27.7 v1.17.7 v1.29.2
Compiler and Version used
go version go1.22.1 darwin/arm64
Operating System and version
macOS 14.4