Closed as not planned
Confirm by changing [ ] to [x] below to ensure that it's a bug:
- I've gone though Developer Guide and API reference
- I've checked AWS Forums and StackOverflow for answers
- I've searched for previous similar issues and didn't find any solution
Describe the bug
error while getting available patches","error":"SerializationError: failed decoding JSON RPC response\n\tstatus code: 200, request id: 5ff26977-ddee-4ddf-82cf-c88291a6cac0\ncaused by: unsupported value: <nil> (*int64)
Version of AWS SDK for Go?
Version of Go (go version
go version go1.16.4 linux/amd64
To Reproduce (observed behavior)
if err := DescribeAvailablePatchesPagesWithContext(ctx, &DescribeAvailablePatchesInput{
Filters: []*PatchOrchestratorFilter{
Key: aws.String("PRODUCT"),
Values: []*string{
MaxResults: aws.Int64(50),
}, func(result *DescribeAvailablePatchesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
res = append(res, result.Patches...)
return !lastPage
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
Expected behavior
The method should be finished without error