- I have searched ( for past instances of this issue
- I have verified all of my SDK modules are up-to-date (you can perform a bulk update with
go get -u
Describe the bug
The type VPCRegion in route53 service lacks support of "cn-northwest-1" which prevents us from creating aws_route53_zone_association and aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization resources in cn-northwest-1 region by terraform which relies on aws-sdk-go-v2 to check the input of vpc_region:
- [Bug]: vpc_region argument of aws_route53_zone_association & aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization lacks support of cn-northwest-1 hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#38403
Expected Behavior
aws_route53_zone_association and aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization can be created successfully
Current Behavior
aws_route53_zone_association and aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization failed to create with error:
│ Error: expected vpc_region to be one of ["us-east-1" "us-east-2" "us-west-1" "us-west-2" "eu-west-1" "eu-west-2" "eu-west-3" "eu-central-1" "eu-central-2" "ap-east-1" "me-south-1" "us-gov-west-1" "us-gov-east-1" "us-iso-east-1" "us-iso-west-1" "us-isob-east-1" "me-central-1" "ap-southeast-1" "ap-southeast-2" "ap-southeast-3" "ap-south-1" "ap-south-2" "ap-northeast-1" "ap-northeast-2" "ap-northeast-3" "eu-north-1" "sa-east-1" "ca-central-1" "cn-north-1" "af-south-1" "eu-south-1" "eu-south-2" "ap-southeast-4" "il-central-1" "ca-west-1"], got cn-northwest-1
Reproduction Steps
Refer to: hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#38403
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
AWS Go SDK V2 Module Versions Used v1.42.3 v1.30.3
Compiler and Version used
Operating System and version
macOS Sonoma 14.5