Closed as not planned
Describe the bug
while running a high load dealing with DynamoDB with Provisioned Capacity started getting these errors
"*errorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware).HandleDeserialize(0x41d445?, {0x1d3e698?, 0xc000535d40?}, {{0x170bfa0?, 0xc000535830?}}, {0x1d2e760?, 0xc0054577c0?})" pod=pod_name time=2024-12-06T18:28:49.581311541Z
log=" /build/vendor/ +0x53 fp=0xc00288e588 sp=0xc00288e4e0 pc=0xd82093" pod=pod_name time=2024-12-06T18:28:49.581294711Z
This error causing pods to crash and continous restarts.
SDK Version: v1.32.6
Regression Issue
- Select this option if this issue appears to be a regression.
Expected Behavior
This error should not happen, if not atleast these should be error type and retryable
Current Behavior
This error is not handled properly and causing crashes
Reproduction Steps
Can see this consistently on high load. Espcially after auto-scaled up on Provisioned capacity. In the event of provisionedExceeded error, we retry until the operation succeeds.
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
SDK version used
Environment details (Version of Go (go version
)? OS name and version, etc.)