Describe the bug
List of supported regions for DocumentDB returned by
does not include eu-south-1, although this service is available in this region.
List of supported regions for DocumentDB returned by DocDbClient.serviceMetadata().regions()
returns a superset of regions that document db is supported in as it resolves to RDS regions and some of them do not have support for DocDB.
Regression Issue
- Select this option if this issue appears to be a regression.
Expected Behavior
I expect both/either of these methods to return the list of all regions that support DocDB.
Current Behavior
List of supported regions for DocDB does not include eu-south-1 region if you get them using:
List of supported regions for DocDB contains regions that have support for RDS, but not for DocDB if you get them using DocDbClient.serviceMetadata().regions()
Reproduction Steps
method to get list of supported regions for DocDB service.
Call DocDbClient.serviceMetadata().regions()
method to get list of supported regions for DocDB service
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
This is a follow-up to: #5585
AWS Java SDK version used
JDK version used
openjdk 21.0.5 2024-10-15
Operating System and version
macOS 15.1.1