When I try to close intelij, its always stuck and shows Closing Project screen. Everytime I had to force quit it. You can refer below error for more details. When I disable the Amazon Q plugin, i dnt face any issues in closing the IDE.
Failed to run security scan and display results. Caused by: Amazon Q: The selected file exceeds the input artifact limit. Try again with a smaller file. For more information about scan limits, see the Amazon Q documentation. , status code: null, exception: CodeWhispererCodeScanException, request ID: nullJetbrains IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3, IDE version: IC-233.11799.241, Amazon Q: The selected file exceeds the input artifact limit. Try again with a smaller file. For more information about scan limits, see the Amazon Q documentation.
Using intellij Idea
Build #IC-233.11799.241, built on December 2, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.9+7-b1087.7 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
OS: Mac