BREAKING CHANGE: Unable to use Intrinsic Functions on non string fields #678
I'm creating this topic with the maximum amount of keywords that I can, because I noticed that this is a problem that is generating lots of duplicated issues. So if you have the same issue, please leave a comment here to explain the urgency to fix it.
The problem
Most of the structs in goformation have types other than string
, like ecs.Service.DesiredCount
that has an *int
type. This makes it impossible to use Intrinsic Functions like Ref
, FindInMap
, ImportValue
, Sub
and others.
From #215:
template.Resources["autoscalingGroup"] = &resources.AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup{
AvailabilityZones: cloudformation.GetAZs(cloudformation.Ref("AWS::Region")),
VPCZoneIdentifier: cloudformation.Ref("Subnets"),
From #252:
rootTemplate.Resources["DynamoDb"] = &dynamodb.Table{
PointInTimeRecoverySpecification: &dynamodb.Table_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification{
PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: cloudformation.If("CreateDynamoBackUp", true, false),
From #282:
Subnets: cloudformation.Ref("SubnetIds")
From #304:
resources["Server"] = &ec2.Instance{
BlockDeviceMappings: []ec2.Instance_BlockDeviceMapping{
DeviceName: "/dev/xvda",
Ebs: &ec2.Instance_Ebs{
VolumeSize: cloudformation.Ref("Ec2InstanceRootVolumeSize"), // cannot assign string as int
From #306:
DBSubnetGroupDescription: "Subnet Group for Aurora Cluster",
SubnetIds: cloudformation.Ref("SubnetIds"),
Engine: "aurora-mysql",
VpcSecurityGroupIds: cloudformation.Ref("SecurityGroupIds"),
VpcConfig: lambda.Function_VpcConfig{
SubnetIds: cloudformation.Ref("SubnetIds"),
SecurityGroupIds: [cloudformation.Ref("SecurityGroupIds"),
Proposed solutions
- Make all intrinsic functions return generic types
- Make all struct fields accept only
- Create different functions to make each one of them have the specific type that we need
- Maybe the @drmmarsunited fork mentioned on Live AWS parameter resolution and generics support #600 can help with this problem too
I do not know the implications of these solutions, so please, let's discuss them, so we can create a PR to fix this recurring issue.
Duplicated issues and related people
Issues: #215 #252 #282 #304 #306 #467
People: @romanolux @prometherion @RafRabenda @Envek @efekarakus @ndeloof @xrn @jomast @mheffner @ipmb