I needed to change a few things for my self build on my AWS account to get this to work I thought I'd report:
I had to change the user_data script for the gitlab server:
to call apt_wait just before the gitlab-ce install
(as other agents in my environment try to jump in and install security tooling when a new EC2 instance comes up) -
change all occurrences of gitlab-rails to: /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rails. As the script could not find gitlab-rails.
Also - later in the build. I had to change the secret values for authServerId & idp - as they both had 4x double quotes:
"authServerId": """",
"idp": """"
This meant the ECS tasks failed to start with an error about failing to access a value in secretsmanager
I changed these values to:
"authServerId": "",
"idp": ""
and everything came up ok then
So what should the placeholders for these be set to in the ".env" file - presumably not "" ?