📜 Description
I got error
[app]: ERROR in ../../node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/dist/components/ConditionalAccess/CustomArrayField.esm.js 5:0-88
[app]: Module not found: Error: Package path ./lib/schema/getDefaultFormState is not exported from package /Work/GPB/backstage-latest/node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/node_modules/@rjsf/utils (see exports field in /Work/backstage-latest/node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/node_modules/@rjsf/utils/package.json)
👍 Expected behavior
Plugin work without errors
👎 Actual Behavior with Screenshots
after yarn dev got error
[app]: ERROR in ../../node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/dist/components/ConditionalAccess/CustomArrayField.esm.js 5:0-88
[app]: Module not found: Error: Package path ./lib/schema/getDefaultFormState is not exported from package /Work/GPB/backstage-latest/node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/node_modules/@rjsf/utils (see exports field in /Work/backstage-latest/node_modules/@backstage-community/plugin-rbac/node_modules/@rjsf/utils/package.json)
👟 Reproduction steps
- npx @backstage/create-app@latest
- yarn workspace backend add @backstage-community/plugin-rbac-backend
- Add Route in packages/app/src/App.tsx
- Add Administration Sidebar Item in packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx
- yarn workspace app add @backstage-community/plugin-rbac
- Add the RBAC plugin to the packages/backend/src/index.ts file and remove the Permission backend plugin and Allow All Permission policy module.
📃 Provide the context for the Bug.
Affected versions
backstage: 1.36.0 (and 1.36.1 too)
plugin-rbac: 1.39.0
👀 Have you spent some time to check if this bug has been raised before?
- I checked and didn't find similar issue
🏢 Have you read the Code of Conduct?
- I have read the Code of Conduct
Are you willing to submit PR?