The Composite Pattern is like a container object, where the container can also have components, forming a recursive tree structure. Clients can handle it uniformly without distinguishing between components and containers.
It combines multiple objects to represent a hierarchical structure with a part-whole relationship. The Composite Pattern allows clients to treat individual objects and composite objects uniformly.
Therefore, the Composite Pattern consists of three roles: Abstract Component
, Leaf Component
, and Composite Component
Now, let's develop antivirus software that scans folders and files, using different virus scanning methods for different file types.
- Create an abstract file class, acting as an abstract component:
export abstract class AbstractFile {
abstract add(file: AbstractFile): void;
abstract remove(file: AbstractFile): void;
abstract getChild(i: number): AbstractFile;
abstract killVirus(): void;
2.1. Create an image file class, acting as a leaf component:
import { AbstractFile } from "./AbstractFile";
export class ImageFile extends AbstractFile {
#name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
add(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
remove(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
getChild(i: number): null {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
return null;
killVirus(): void {
console.log(`Virus scan successful for image file: ${this.#name}`);
2.2. Create a text file class, acting as a leaf component:
import { AbstractFile } from "./AbstractFile";
export class TextFile extends AbstractFile {
#name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
add(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
remove(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
getChild(i: number): null {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
return null;
killVirus(): void {
console.log(`Virus scan successful for text file: ${this.#name}`);
2.3. Create a video file class, acting as a leaf component:
import { AbstractFile } from "./AbstractFile";
export class VideoFile extends AbstractFile {
#name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
add(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
remove(file: AbstractFile): void {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
getChild(i: number): null {
console.log("Sorry, this method is not supported!");
return null;
killVirus(): void {
console.log(`Virus scan successful for video file: ${this.#name}`);
- Create a folder class, acting as a composite component:
import { AbstractFile } from "./AbstractFile";
export class Folder extends AbstractFile {
#name: string;
#fileList: AbstractFile[] = [];
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
add(file: AbstractFile): void {
remove(file: AbstractFile): void {
const index = this.#fileList.indexOf(file);
if (index > -1) {
this.#fileList.splice(index, 1);
getChild(i: number): AbstractFile {
return this.#fileList[i];
killVirus(): void {
console.log(`\nScanning folder ${this.#name} for viruses`);
// Recursive call to the killVirus method of member components
for (const file of this.#fileList) {
- Write a client test method:
import { Folder } from "./Folder";
import { ImageFile } from "./ImageFile";
import { TextFile } from "./TextFile";
import { VideoFile } from "./VideoFile";
export const CompositePatternClient = () => {
const file1 = new ImageFile("DragonGirl.jpg"),
file2 = new ImageFile("ZhangWuji.jpg"),
file3 = new TextFile("NineYinManual.txt"),
file4 = new TextFile("KuifuaTreasure.txt"),
file5 = new VideoFile("SmilingProudly.rmvb");
const folder1 = new Folder("Sunny'sFiles"),
folder2 = new Folder("ImageFiles"),
folder3 = new Folder("TextFiles"),
folder4 = new Folder("VideoFiles");
// Start virus scan from the "Sunny'sFiles" node
// Start virus scan from the "VideoFiles" node