- bf20bd2: include killed gauges in voting gauges list
- 88f6327: vebal active gauges only
- 0cce480: increase rpc batch size
- a7d76ee: tune rpc limits
- 6a1f961: mev tax gql schema
- b58723c: set hook type for new pools
- 9f87409: mev tax hook
- 389d867: return all voting gauges
- 023ff12: fixes gyro math implementation
- 435fbdb: fix onchain pause/recovery state syncing
- f678d67: fix duplicated APR entries
- c61054e: add sts rewards claimed
- 57e96d3: Bump balancer maths dependency to v0.0.22
- 9e83d67: autodiscovery for aave aprs
- 0600f58: apply underlying APR if any
- c5b2389: track vault events directly
- 9792fe8: throw on invalid timestamp
- 95b4614: enable sentry prisma tracing
- 449f719: validate timestamp
- 72b5d51: integrate useUnderlyingForAddRemove, useWrappedForAddRemove and canUseBufferForSwaps in queries and SOR
- b070ffe: APR inwstETHs
- 3ac8b70: handle hook param types in graphql
- 5d2d347: add sts protocol fees
- f0391f1: production stableSurge amp
- 67cbe5a: SOR - Update stable surge hook support
- 72f0db1: StableSurge production addresses
- a32c701: hotfix for unsupported hooks in the schema
- 672adf9: fix underlying token upsert
- 9eb01c7: new aggregator query, add hook type
- d7d0be8: SG deployments for stable surge
- b19f649: remove old SOR query
- 0771d8d: morpho rewards
- 6ebbbd0: add avalon apr
- 6843d0e: removing block SG urls from config
- 42bb0e9: new wrapper for usdcn on arb
- adc2d53: add beetswars mabeets apr
- a222383: hook type specific return types
- 257eac0: fix small pricing issues with 4626
- 40861c6: backward compatibility for hooks on FE
- 09ec9d2: adding gyro pools to SG
- 1adfe6a: fix missing underlying error handling
- b9386ee: new stable surge hook on sepolia
- 7bd85d9: ignore common issue when underlying is not priced
- 4acac18: yUSD APR
- 84247db: sUSDs - base
- 0f5c061: aave pyUSD APR
- e047a6c: replacing blocks subgraph with data from events
- a29f079: hgETH APR
- 05bbbc0: historical price range ALL
- 5377366: prisma sentry setup
- f6de49e: complete v3 config arb/base
- 3f534d2: add silo apr handler
- 338311f: SOR - Fix LBPs not being picked up
- ed867e5: add generalized erc4626 price handler
- 9d1a4b3: v3 on base and arbitrum
- 1848cec: add beefy apr handler
- 0c7924b: rekt token pricing to 0
- e1c0170: expose exempt from yield fee
- 43b8dea: SOR - Fix buffer unwrapRate scaling
- 628235a: apollo v4
- 0052e91: add graphql-tag
- 45f5127: temp disable savax
- 36939bb: disable apollo default explorer on prod
- a5223df: add v3 jobs to sonic
- 5bd786e: more hook addresses
- 9e90ebe: remove beetswars apr from fantom
- b3b0f10: SOR - Assert behavior for tokens with 0 decimals
- 18abe26: sepolia hooks config
- 1455479: remove dependency to AllNetworkConfigsKeyedOnChain
- 896cca6: SOR - Add StablePool for Balancer v2
- 3b3ba2c: fix liquidity 24hrs ago, fix price for data studio for beets
- a4f25c3: fix isLiquidityManagement in SOR
- 331cf71: This pr adds hooks to the SOR (DirectionalFee, StableSurge, ExitFee)
- 7126cf3: bpt balances syncing refactor
- 7481c31: can add points to tokens
- 304bea4: reference config some data-only files
- 6f949b9: fix env config for sentry
- faa2e26: respect max block range for changed pools
- 31efe9e: remove totalFee and totalVolume from protocol metrics
- 946041a: use freshbeets pool on sonic to price beets
- 231e527: set totals to 0 instead
- 58d3e25: SOR - Fix split paths to support larger swaps
- 612e23e: sor slippage handling patch
- 9d902e6: updating gauge SG urls including v3 pools
- 9d902e6: teth apr on arbitrum
- 4b25f8e: possible fix for staked balance formatting on write
- 1aac890: fix to a fix
- 09ec5a3: patch user balances formatting
- a1dd2c4: prisma v6
- d41c603: setup prisma sentry integration
- 4e63397: fix sor slippage formatting
- 341abcf: updating gauge SG urls including v3 pools
- 160c10c: removing prisma sentry integration due to lack of support
- 4715a49: prisma telemetry setup
- f6610d0: manage sentry config via env
- b27003d: handle additional morpho token reward apr
- f416bf9: adjust sentry sample rates
- 5c1567e: new morpho aprs
- e73df95: revert subgraph fallbacks
- ec1174b: add alerts for subgraph lags
- 931c829: collect subgraph lag metrics
- 7d0f05c: publish mode subgraphs to network
- 7f20e8e: handle missing tokens in erc4626 rates
- e2453c8: use beets drpc key
- b0f0279: fix: handle empty erc4626Tokens array
- 2b15183: Update SOR buffers to use unwrapRate from erc4626 tokens
- 82b7e0d: swap needs to be at least $1 to be used as pricing
- 2e9f4cd: Revert PrismaPoolSnapshot index changes
- 2b41540: need to consider gauge cap for mainnet gauges
- a437b87: add sonic beets circulating supply endpoint
- 4b18c78: dont display phantom BPT as nested pool in pool tokens
- 7cc43be: add AaveUSDe LidoGHO APRs
- 44411b3: new aprs
- 7a0ae59: adding dynamic swap fee to fx pools
- a16406b: balance tables indexes
- 5011ef2: optimise multichain events query
- 580c5e7: db indexes
- 4cfa9f8: debug erroring job
- c5f527d: fix: erroring job
- 4006bb0: add index to snapshots
- 615943c: fixed usdx apr
- 8270969: refactor of sync-tokens-from-pool-tokens job
- 380173f: fetch staking apr from api
- 033f8f6: add sonic staking snapshots
- e1087c7: susdx apr
- a0bcaf7: add sts tvl to protocol stats
- f125013: removing few more unused deps
- 61b9c66: add sonic staking data and apr
- 4b118b5: use bun as package manager
- 31da359: cow amm base config
- 7f3e36c: partially removing network context
- cf338a6: dependencies cleanup
- 8b462a2: Prevent disallowed buffers on SOR paths
- 35ee2fe: add isBufferAllowed to pooltoken
- 4a9fe0c: always pass multicall3 address in viem
- bc501c8: add staking to sonic
- 863a840: Fix SOR routes when swapping through a single buffer only
- cacabb2: add isAllowedBuffer flag
- 910eedc: add sonic chain
- 4c6418b: fix: handle SG values as floats in cow amm snapshots
- 6347252: refactor cow-amm snapshot fetching
- 913c906: refactor snapshot daily and total values
- 6872789: fix: ERC4626 tagging
- 958fd86: fix: changed pools syncing
- b96a671: fix: swap fee token
- e2c788f: fix: handle swap fees in V3 snapshots
- f02c667: fixed V3 snapshot fees
- dbbe6a9: refactored v3 snapshots syncing
- 0b6d99e: remove rpc dependency on pool upserts
- 4a6e3c7: replace USDL APR source
- 26e0aca: fix balance scaling
- 0887858: fix onchain balances for v3
- e81774e: fix syncing v3 changed pools
- 8768e95: handle custom morpho rewards
- 63a4492: waGnowstETH APR and price
- cdf0cb6: aave pricing
- d497a71: fix: handle checksum addresses in tags assignment
- 1a0f088: Morpho APRs and pricing
- 75cb205: handle all aave prices from aprs config
- 7f6df7f: boosted tag only on v3
- caa0e6c: updated usdL apr source
- ddd87af: protocol stats alignment with pools list
- c5e9911: more aave prices, but still missing rates for new tokens
- c507c33: V3 mainnet and gnosis
- d7706da: expose additional fields in the poolTokenDetails schema
- 0c9901a: sepolia v12
- 6d4c98e: Update SDK and Balancer Maths dependencies
- 7a93ab8: removing poolTokenDynamicData dependency
- 3f22a3d: apply v3 protocol swap fees
- 751e1e8: new aave aprs and default yield fee
- 40937e2: move op blocks to builders dao
- fe549d3: updating holderCount stat for v3 pools
- 2046d6f: change 7 and 30 days swap apr to use snapshots
- c92ac36: filter out balances for missing pools
- 77ceae7: dont remove user balances unless 0
- 8f09f97: no casesensitive compare for hook metadata
- 28f4778: V3 deployment 11
- 16aebc3: Adding V3 pool roles to the db model
- f17f276: fix wallet balance ID to follow subgraph use of poolAddress instead of poolId
- a44f00f: Deprecate callData related inputs and outputs from SOR
- 2fca2d8: fix tokens query resultset to include missing rate provider data
- 4b5454a: fix V3 BPT balance syncing
- 094b17f: fix adding missing role accounts to pools
- e2f315b: skip token name in the pool textSearch
- 1bd6dfa: base api key gauges subgraph url
- 848b8a3: API key URLs for block subgraphs
- b6c978e: Adding Base aprs for wstETH, rETH, weETH.
- 35e8c33: vETH APR source update
- 02e139a: adding poolIds filter to SOR
- dcc6440: APR sources, remove sAPE, svETH, swETH, USDR; add sdeUSD
- 21b40a4: Redo how hooks are synced and change the schema
- f7ee6e5: Feat add pool with hook consider flag
- 6551463: remove overnight apr
- c9e8d42: using total supply instead of working supply for gauge tvl, as per zen dragon
- 6e4feff: adapt gauge apr again as per zen dragon
- 3d6a3de: add poolTokens to minimal pool
- 67a718c: SOR - Add support to Dola/USDC stable swap
- f5911fd: adding hook info to nested pools
- 6b140a4: add ERC4626 and rateprovider data into poolTokens of MinimalPool
- 7f0ee69: adapt nested balance and usd of a token to its share
- 6d14f60: enable LBP in sor and sync
- 23f6773: Add hook and erc4626 reviews and tags. Adapt to new metadata repo layout.
- 3c0909d: use new priceimpact calc for Beets SOR path
- 5cabb48: sync bptPriceRate for v3 pools
- 33ffa59: reduce vebal balance multicall batchsize
- daa73e2: fix review data exposure
- 4337d11: return all token prices
- 1b3ef2d: fix sor hops with buffers
- 232ee9e: add tokenIn filter for tokens query
- 0b445a9: Treehouse tETH APR handler
- 5b4b001: add erc4626 flags to base pool
- 02e7ca8: adding hasNestedErc4626 flag
- 64daeb6: filter buffers from hops in sor response
- a197c10: remove old sor lambda and add workaround for multiple paths
- cbbb4df: add hook data to basepool
- 1f4fbc1: fix: missing hooks data
- 35886a7: fix relic sync
- 401987d: fix: add missing totalSharesNum column for COW_AMM pools
- 0098dbf: fix: pool total aprs should exclude 7d,30d
- d3cf1e0: fix long term apr for legacy items
- 0b56465: fix cow amm SG pool fetching
- 27bb15a: fix: add an update to "totalSharesNum" column
- d021220: change reth apr source
- ade5959: adding surplus and swap APR based on 7d and 30d values
- 9794d8d: refactor pool transformers, add scaling factors
- d71162a: fix: sync cow amm balances on adding new pools
- 6bc68c9: adding balance fetching margin
- 92cb5a4: update cow amm subgraphs
- af45007: add new fantom subgraph version
- 6bf00c8: fix erc4626 data fetching
- 4190058: fix: adding missing bpt token records
- 6f18aab: update sepolia blocks subgraph and vault v3 abis
- a4f6220: use 10th deployment of v3
- 303f3e0: fix: overwriting of subgraph data
- 2afa4ba: changing sepolia blocks SG
- 51aeb1c: expose bias and slope in vebal user snapshots
- 6d70678: sync vebal user snapshots
- 5249d64: fix SOR raw amounts
- 025c43d: limit db data over-reading for batch swaps query (beets)
- 0cf158a: remove yearn apr from fantom
- 7df8cc6: fixing user sync balance for reliquary positions
- 4a46b01: allow searching by pool ID
- 1962da6: add enrichments to aggregator query
- eabb550: dvstETH-APR-mainnet
- a529b35: track last synced block for v3
- a5b85ad: 9th v3 deployment
- a159cc9: fix hardcoded protocolVersion return value in SOR paths
- 127142c: fix protocol metrics
- 4bd3844: rename polygon native asset from MATIC to POL
- 33bac59: Add stataAvaWAVAX2 APR hanlder
- 9d8e6de: add scalingfactor, liquidity mangement and default filters to aggregator query
- 716e7f0: move swap service to actions
- 92adb18: fix paused state parsing issue
- f613949: change hook filter to bool
- ebc0eaf: feat: allow stable pool routing for v3
- a7ed429: adding wUSDL apr on arbitrum
- fd5ea37: multicall request size tuning
- c0fc647: fix balance calculation
- 90bc31a: fix pool token price query
- e33ff3a: populate prismaPoolSwap table until everything is migrated
- 8532816: update cow subgraph on other chains
- 3c6840e: make v2 sync work with nested pool creation in the same block
- a6e8e1a: update cow subgraph for mainnet
- 19abfd7: adding liquidity management json
- 56b06a5: adding pool actions for v2
- 8aacde1: use cow_amm type selector for syncing actions
- e96b9be: use bigint in tokenpair sync
- 056c32d: fix weth address for sepolia
- 462b6d9: add liquidity mangement to pool list query
- 39f2e4a: enable v2 syncs for sepolia
- 53d8445: sync all token metadata from tokenlist
- 44ca026: gyro config on avax
- 64e55d4: add defillama yields as an APR adapter
- 07e1f17: Fix Gyro2CLPPool implementations to account for token rates during swaps.
- 5419dc5: avax subgraph deployment update
- bcd8189: Handle parsing errors causing the app to crash
- 0cb9214: adding Aave lUSD and crvUSD APRs
- 1c9aa5b: use default rpc url for fetching svEth APR data
- a0d5b42: use subgraph deployment if for zkevm
- dd3e100: Enable sdBal stable pool.
- 0ab785d: fetch token rates for gyro2 pools
- 14b6f71: adding aura balance tracking to fraxtal
- 3fb6c32: change RPCs to dRPC
- 6c67ceb: SOR shouldn't be using all static pools
- c64e675: handle queryBatchSwap errors
- 6c67ceb: add sync latest fx prices as a task
- 2a486d0: fixing prisma include issue in updateAllTokenPrices
- c8913ca: Enable Stable pools for non-V3 in SOR.
- 9d9b90d: Subgraph client will fallback to another URL on failure
- d813678: dev setup with hot reloading
- 5ea8f51: adding prodction base subgraph url
- 7f76312: AAVE APRs on gnosis and wUSDM on OP
- db7314d: add hook type name, handle swap amount = 0 errors
- 46704ef: updating V3 vault deployment to v8 on sepolia
- a6b5027: update protocol revenue APR to usdc
- dac4636: prevent common issues from being sent to sentry
- 1516a1b: handle SOR's effective price when outputAmount is 0
- 8257bdd: organising apps and updating sentry
- 37d9161: cow amm on arbitrum
- f0f4deb: make return values in GqlSorPath required
- 6baafda: Report missing tokens for active rewards only
- 04a202e: adding reward token data to apr item
- 4b3aa1e: add reward token to yb and nested apr
- d61718a: adding new pool query specific for aggregator needs
- 420ff5f: refactoring VotingGaugesRepository to use viem
- 7f6a2bf: adding maker and renzo APRs on Mode
- ac4ff07: make queries to use wallet indexes properly
- 039f01b: use index when querying events by userAddress
- 271c9ae: optimise main events query index
- 07d60a7: cleaup event indexes
- cc9899d: skip sftmx vaults that are 0x0
- bf14fb9: associate gauge balances on pool addresses
- 0e599cb: adding event query logging to triage db issues
- 5b8e7d5: fix cow amm event syncing
- 1545310: SOR - Add support for paths with buffers/boosted pools
- 62baccf: make sure cow amm balances are added for new pools
- 03f81ff: add aFRAX APR
- d9ebb9a: handle streamed BAL on mainnet properly
- d87f76e: Dont show MERKL APR if it has a whitelist
- ce47937: adding cow amm SG balance syncing
- 2141ceb: APR source for yieldnest ETH (ynETH)
- 93e44ae: add agETH APR for mainnet
- b381a08: committing generate graphql schemas
- b0eef3d: flatten the event type in the events query
- 570a67b: adding a query for getting multichain vebal balances
- 9f7d395: add merkl, voting and locking as incentivized pool
- e0fa5d8: Prune records with zero values in balance tables
- ddf8be9: filtering events by value in USD
- ed9747b: adding relative weigth to the voting list query
- ad09bfd: susx and usdm APRs on Arb
- 5a023cb: adding support for hooks
- aae66a9: cdcETH APR
- 5ec208f: Fix scientific notation issue caused by parseFloat
- 8a7c851: Adding aggregate fee fields to pools dynamic data
- 01a1b1a: accept any letter casing in queries
- 6782183: SOR - Replace parseFloat with parseEther
- cd94cd1: Using API prices to calculate totalLiquidity in snapshots
- 31d93a1: passing protocol version to sor lib
- aff6246: update env file
- a3ab47e: workaround for streamed BAL on mainnet
- ad5c843: Add support for SOR paths with add/remove liquidity steps
- ff80266: adding mutation to reload erc4626
- 0cb2dbb: quick workaround to remove cow apr boost
- 29f0beb: using pool addresses to match gauges instead of pool id
- 55fa750: SOR should consider STABLE pools for v3 liquidity only
- 7d327cf: fix token query
- 7720c09: add support for boosted pools for v3
- 116cf21: expose surplus in the events query
- 421a48e: Refactor SOR to use Balancer Maths for v3 liquidity
- 1d3f265: v2 update interferes with cow
- af11d6b: fix cow-surplus scaling, update cow volume sync
- 13f2416: update cow amm subgraphs
- 956f28c: update masterchef subgraph
- e102809: stakewise gnosis and maple syrup APRs
- 0847dd4: syncing pool type specific data
- af4417e: updated AAVE subgraph URLs for getting token APRs
- b08fa1e: update cow subgraphs
- b20c5fd: sync tokenlist for sepolia
- 72cc583: add weETH APR on Arb and rETH APR on Gnosis
- 07fcf6a: fixed surplus APR calculation
- a72b08f: move rpcs from infura to alchemy
- 0627776: fixed sdai yield on fraxtal
- f9d50e4: syncing holders could on changed cow-amm pools
- 5f6fd67: handle failing aave pricing
- 3f08512: subgraph patch
- 5c02fa1: new cow-subgraphs, add weights to cow-pools, add reload mutation
- 0959978: fix snapshot loading for cow
- ede18b9: fixed double execution of the merkl job
- 6a8d02e: add aave wrapped tokens to sepolia handler
- fec4cac: Fix cow user balances
- 975e058: fix token rate and config sync for v3, add reload mutation
- 22bc735: Update cow-amm subgraphs, add gnosis
- c31cef8: new cow amm subgraph, fix surplus calc
- d72fec7: fix scaling for cow pool data
- 40631b9: change fantom rpc
- 0fd0952: change cow amm subgraph to deployment id
- 64cdecc: more robust aura sync
- 4cfbf0e: add gUSDC apr
- ed09091: split controllers, reload also syncs pool state
- 846b2ad: allow test env to use paid rpc
- 0b421c5: fix exact_out with getBestSwapPathVersion
- 2dbbb7c: fix initial cow amm sync
- 2366ee3: add cow crons to mainnet and adapt cron intervalls
- f12b5b2: fix initUserBalances for local runs
- 43735c9: fix sfrax apr on fraxtal
- 3613c9f: reduce multicall batch size
- 6daa985: smaller chunks for pool fetching
- d4caec8: Cow AMM aprs calculated from daily surplus
- 812bdba: return filename only for rateprovider review
- 6429e7a: Adding new pool filter tags tagIn and tagNotIn. These replace categoryIn/categoryNotIn removing enum constraint.
- f816e93: changed the events query ordering from blockNumber to blockTimestamp to mitigate different chain height.
- 21da677: adding gyro config on gnosis chain
- 8389be2: using pool instead of global variables in ybTokenService
- 34a7a8c: fix aura and gauge user balance sync
- 5604fd9: exposing tags
- 57bbc2a: fix tracking of balance if last relic was transferred
- 95b752f: fixing missing files in metadata repo
- 480c22c: add cache to db query in SOR
- 2dc67f1: fix fantom blocks subgraph url
- 331c657: adding metadata categories from the github repo
- 2b1cbec: adding merkl reward aprs
- 4009872: adding missing fields to rate provider reviews
- 7397078: use subgraph deployment IDs instead of subgraph id
- 76c8176: Exclude current round from HiddenHand APRs
- cbea2e0: limiting events query results set to 1000 records
- bccc7a5: adding indexes to token related tables
- 614383b: breaking - making events query filter optional and allowing multiple chains
- d8752b4: adding vebal as a staking option
- b03f0ce: fix aura apr scaling
- b3aedfc: Increase swap size to 100 USD for normalized liquidity calculation. Also only use pools that have >=1000USD tvl
- e8e8bcc: adding SOR support for vault v3 - swaps only
- ddb3616: moving snapshot syncing to a separate functions
- e643603: updated AAVE subgraph URLs for getting token APRs
- b071980: adding backsyncing task for filling up subgraph swaps
- abc67d0: exposing aura pool id and shutdown flag for aura staking
- a7711cb: Adding incentivized field to the pool response type
- 7fcea18: add cow-amm support for swaps, add, removes and snapshots. Also incorporate surplus
- deb7c03: adjust syncs to newest vault v3 version
- 455bb0b: rename join/exit to add/remove for v3 subgraph
- 755e873: config fix
- 95e5636: fix: removing renamed vaultVersion column
- 4465dbf: adding poolToken -> balanceUSD
- 798c947: adding chain and user address as query params to vebal queries
- 0851e56: Update to newest v3 subgraph. Adjust balances etc from wei to floats
- 8961dfb: handle missing tokens in subgraph pools
- 1021114: fix voting apr timestamp to use UTC
- 489cf3e: removing duplicated vebal locks subgraph url
- 07a7fc9: make the workflow manual
30b1148: First release of the Balancer backend / api v3
This marks the first release for the API v3. With the release of ZEN, the following queries are deprecated and shall not be used anymore:
- poolGetSwaps
- poolGetBatchSwaps
- poolGetJoinExits
- poolGetFeaturedPoolGroups
- tokenGetPriceChartData
- tokenGetCandlestickChartData
- tokenGetTokenData
- tokenGetTokensData
- tokenGetProtocolTokenPrice
The following fields and types are deprecated:
- vaultVersion
- investConfig
- GqlPoolInvestConfig
- GqlPoolInvestOption
- withdrawConfig
- GqlPoolWithdrawConfig
- GqlPoolWithdrawOption
- apr
- GqlPoolApr
- GqlPoolAprValue
- GqlPoolAprRange
- GqlPoolAprTotal
- tokens
- GqlPoolNestedUnion
- GqlPoolTokenComposableStableNestedUnion
- GqlPoolTokenBase
- GqlPoolToken
- GqlPoolTokenComposableStable
See the gql files to find the suitable replacements.
- 34a7d70: update sftmx vaults when they are matured