Type of Smart Contract
Rate Provider
Additional Contract Information
- Does this rate provider pertain to an ERC4626 contract?
- If so, is the intention for this ERC4626 asset to be boosted?
- If so, shall the underlying asset be used to add/remove liquidity in a pool if possible? (i.e. add USDC for waUSDC)
- If so, shall the wrapped asset also be used to add/remove liquidity in a pool? (i.e. add waUSDC directly)
Type of Smart Contract (if Other)
No response
Contract Source Code
Asset Contract Source Code
No response
Additional Links
No response
Protocol Documentation
No response
Protocol Audits
No response
Terms and Conditions
- The protocol to be integrated has been audited by at least one security firm or independent researcher.
- If deployed, the contract & all involved downstream contracts are verified on etherscan.
- The contract does not rely upon an EOA to supply any critical data (e.g., price).
- If upgradeable, the contract's administrator is not an EOA.
Additional Comments & Clarifications
This is a constant rateprovider that simply returns 2600 in 18 decimals. Nothing can be set in the live contract. It's used as a scaling rate to scale the order of magnitude of WETH amounts into the order of magnitude of USD amounts for Gyro volatile pools. The pool curve itself is responsible for representing the actual price, not the rateprovider.
Same code as previously submitted constant rateproviders.
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