This guide helps you to understand what this application is and what you can do with it. Main idea for this application is to create your own beach volley games or joining other user's games. You can invite players to your own games or they can join it if you give them link. If your game is set to be public other users can freely join to it without any invitations from you.
In the main screen of the application you can see four different tabs. Below the tabs there are all games listed based on what tab you are looking. Public games, joined games, creaeted games and lastly tab for games you have been invited to. Top right corner you can see hamburger menu where you can log in. When you are logged in the main menu screen has greetings message to clarify that you are logged in. After logging in, you can create game and allow notifications from the hamburger menu. Image below shows the main screen.
In the create a game screen below, you can choose what kind of settings you want to add for your game. There are options for choosing location, date, start and end time, minimun and maximum players and playerlevel. You can also choose if the game is private or public. In the description box you can type any extra information regarded for your game.
After creating a game you can modify it. You can change all the settings, invite other players, share the game, cancel the game or confirm the game. All of these options become available for you when you are the host of that game.
Unless you need to make changes to the back-end, you can use development server in Heroku as your back-end. It is free so don't blame me if it is slow. To use it, you need only two commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run start:staging
GraphiQL is available at
When you need to work with back-end or Heroku is too slow for you, setup your back-end with these instructions.
Install PostgreSQL (v12.5). In linux run sudo apt-get install postgresql
in Windows download installer from
the Official site.
Create needed users and databases. Open psql as a superuser. In Linux run
sudo -u postgres psql
and in Windows open "SQL Shell (psql)" from Windows
menu. Then in the shell run following commands.
Remember ;
at the end of every line. If you miss it and hit enter, type it to
next line and then hit enter again. To skip problems, consider copying and
pasting the commands. The shell responds something like CREATE ROLE
when the
command has been executed successfully.
# revoke all on schema public from public;
# create role beachvolley_db_owner login encrypted password 'dev_password';
# create role beachvolley_graphile login encrypted password 'dev_password';
# create role beachvolley_db_admin superuser login password 'dev_password';
# create role beachvolley_graphile_authenticated;
# grant beachvolley_graphile_authenticated to beachvolley_graphile;
# create role beachvolley_graphile_anonymous;
# grant beachvolley_graphile_anonymous to beachvolley_graphile;
# create database beachvolley with owner beachvolley_db_owner;
# create database beachvolley_shadow with owner beachvolley_db_owner;
When you need some dummy data to your development database, run the following query:
$ psql postgres://beachvolley_db_owner:dev_password@localhost:5432/beachvolley < data/dummy-data.sql
For the first time (and later occasionally) run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run migrations -- reset --erase
Start front-end:
$ npm start
Start back-end:
$ npm run migrations migrate
$ npm run server
First, start watcher npm run migrate watch
Then edit migrations/current.sql
. Every time you save that file, the watcher
updates the database schema. In addition, Graphile is watching for changes in
the database schema so it reflects these changes automatically to the API too.
When you are finished, execute npm run migrate commit
. Then you are able to
make commit in git.
Please don't make changes to migrations/current.sql
and commit them to git,
or at least your pull request will not be accepted. That's because everyone
uses the same file and you too want to start from an empty file and not by
reverting some scrap left behind by someone.
First, start worker npm run worker
. Remember to kill and restart the worker
every time you make changes to tasks. Add tasks to tasks
If you want to test executing these tasks, open psql with following command:
$ psql postgres://beachvolley_db_owner:dev_password@localhost:5432/beachvolley
In psql execute the following command:
# SELECT graphile_worker.add_job('task-name', '{"key": "value"}'::json);
Task name is same as task's filename but without .js
. And the JSON object is
a regular JSON object that will be passed as the first argument to the task.
More about worker and tasks in Graphile Worker's documentation.