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This is a two-part feature request, I feel the features are somewhat related so I'm only opening one request for both, please let me know if you'd like them split into two issues for tracking purposes.
- Add a option to the daytime settings to disable the lights turning on at certain times.
- Useful for disabling a certain light at nighttime in the bedroom that gets turned on by a movement in the bedroom. I know I can make time based switch in homeassistant for that specific purpose but it would be simpler if it was a inbuilt feature.
- Have the option of lowering the brightness of a light as a alternative action to turning the lights off when motion is not detected.
- Useful for having certain lights as "nightlights" where you want the light to be lid up for the whole night at a low brightness but you want the light to turn on/off normally during the day. This could be combined with feature 1 and would then make sure the light would only be at a certain brightness during the nighttime and not get brighter by detection of motion.