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Benoît Guigal edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 19 revisions


Twitter-Spray is a scala library based on Spray and Akka for accessing the Twitter REST APIv1.1. Support for OAuth. The streaming API will be added in the future.


  • Fully asynchronous (built on top of akka). API calls are wrapped in scala.concurrent.Future
  • Support for OAuth sign-in flow
  • Successful calls returns scala wrapper types. Default wrapper types are provided for Tweets, User, Entities and Places but you can provide your owns if necessary.
  • Twitter errors are returns as subtypes of TwitterError
  • Support for rate limiting, paging and cursoring (yet to come)


If you already have a token

val consumer = Consumer("your-consumer-key", "your-consumer-secret")
val twitterApi = TwitterApi(consumer)
val token = Token("your-token", Some("your-token-secret"))
val timeline: Future[Seq[Status]] = twitterApi.homeTimeline()

If you need to get an access token

val consumer = Consumer("your-consumer-key", "your-consumer-secret")
val twitterApi = TwitterApi(consumer) 
val requestToken = twitterApi.requestToken("your-oauth-callbak")
/// send token to the client and ask the user to sign-in. Retrieve token and verifier 
val token = Token("token", None)
val accessToken = twitterApi.accessToken("your-oauth-verifier")
// store accessToken and secret

If you need to provide your own wrapper types around scala objects

First define your own wrapper types

class MyStatus
class MyUser

Then define the corresponding JsonFormats

import spray.json._
object MyJsonFormats extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
 /// your implicit formats go here

Then define your own WrapperTypes and mix it in TwitterApi

trait MyWrapperTypes {
  type Status = MyStatus
  type User = MyUser
  implicit val statusFormat = MyJsonFormats.statusFormat 
  implicit val userFormat = MyJsonFormats.userFormat 

val twitterApi = new TwitterApi with MyWrapperTypes {
   override val consumer = _consumer
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