Image management in ActiveAdmin
Admin Credentials:
[email protected]
# Create a Rails App
gem update rails
rails new ImageAdmin
cd ImageAdmin
rm README.rdoc
# Create the product model
bin/rails g model product title:string price:decimal description:text
bin/rake db:migrate
# Install ActiveAdmin
echo "gem 'devise'" >> Gemfile
echo "gem 'activeadmin', '~> 1.0.0.pre2'" >> Gemfile
bundle install
rails generate active_admin:install
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:seed
ruby -pi -e "gsub(/Products/, 'Product')" app/admin/products.rb
bin/rails g active_admin:resource products
Point the root to the admin controller routes.rb
Point the root to the admin controller routes.rb
root 'admin/products#index'
Add the permit_params
to products.rb
so that the product can be modified in the admin interface:
permit_params :title, :price, :description
Note: To get the list of params the following can be executed inside bin/rails console
=> [:id, :title, :price, :description, :created_at, :updated_at]
Please note that the master branch of the carrierwave
gem is required to get the mount_uploader
s functionality.
echo "gem 'mini_magick'" >> Gemfile
echo "gem 'carrierwave', github: 'carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave', branch: 'master'" >> Gemfile
bundle install
touch tmp/restart.txt
echo "public/uploads" >> .gitignore
Now in app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb
uncomment include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
and add thumbnail functionality as well as the ability to scale the master images:
version :thumb do
process resize_to_fit: [100, 100]
process resize_to_fit: [640, 640]
In the Product
model add the following line
mount_uploaders :images, ImageUploader
Add the images
property to the model:
bin/rails g migration AddImagesToProducts images:text
Run the migration:
bin/rake db:migrate
In our product.rb
the images
need to be marked as array:
serialize :images, Array
Note: I had to run bin/spring stop
at some point so that the ImageUploader
would be loaded.
The permit_parmas
has to be extended with :images[]
. Please note that this has to be the last item.
The images field is of the type :file
and the multiple
is has to be set to true
. By adding the images_cache
as a hidden input we can achieve that images are uploaded even if model validations fail:
f.input :images, as: :file, input_html: {multiple: true}
f.input :images_cache, as: :hidden
The sidebar should display the images when displaying and editing a product.
sidebar 'Images', only: [:show, :edit] do
resource.images.each do |image|
img src: image.url, width: '100%'
The first image of the product is also shown in the index view for the products:
index do
column do |p|
image_tag p.images.first.url(:thumb) rescue nil
# ...
TODO: The images_cache
does not seem to work when unsing serialize :images, Array
in the model