From 0.14 -> 015 there are two changes that have led to my (toy) project being broken and I couldn't figure out for a while why it broke (⚠ I'm very new to GameDev and Bevy).
- the first change, introduced in PR 16375, states that
’s fields and methods now use physical coordinates, instead of logical coordinates and by multiplying the physical coordinates by theinverse_scale_factor
will give the logical values. - the second change introduced in PR 15163, states that methods
have been removed fromNode
IMHO, we should provide examples on how to reimplement logical_rect
for oneself, if one decides that it is a useful method to have (I've done this now after migrating from 0.12. -> 0.15 by implementing an extension trait on Node
Also both changes mentioned above should reference each other, because one change alone would probably have a small breaking impact, but in combination they have high potential for "invisibly" breaking apps (aka no compile errors, but wrong logic).
Proposed solution
An example that we should provide in migration guide for PR 15163, while referencing the other changes regarding ComputedNode
fn my_system(q_nodes: Query<&Node, &GlobalTransform>) {
for (node, g_trans) in &q_nodes {
let logical_rect = node.logical_rect(g_trans);
fn my_system(q_nodes: Query<&Node, &ComputedNode, &GlobalTransform>) {
for (node, comp_node, g_trans) in &q_nodes {
let logical_rect = Rect::from_center_size(
// we convert both values to their logical values
g_trans.translation.xy() * comp_node.inverse_scale_factor(),
comp_node.size() * comp_node.inverse_scale_factor());