Since the BEP brings together a lot of diffusion domain-specific expertise, I suggest the team can develop a consensus on the (potentially ambiguous) existing diffusion details of the BIDS specification. Here are a couple areas I think should be considered for amendment:
- bvec definition needs to mention that the bvec file is in FSL format. This format is not only in image space, but it assumes the sform/qsform has a negative determinant. If the spatial transform has a positive determinant, the polarity of the first row must be inverted. This is because FSL diffusion tools will reflect image column order to ensure a negative determinant. This unintuitive feature is described here and has caused confusion and grief. I actually like the mrtrix documentation on this topic. For full disclosure, this complexity led me to argued against using this format when the BIDS was first drafted. However, this was the consensus choice, and it has now been widely adopted, so I think we should at least explicitly describe the chosen format.
- For the above reason, I would personally not allow bvec files to qualify for the inheritance principle. For Siemens (and I think many other vendors) gradient directions are specified in world space, so the same sequence will generate different FSL/BIDS image space bvecs when the angulation changes. At the minimum, I think the specification of the inheritance principle should explicitly warn users Ithat bvecs are typically specific to the particular image that it corresponds to.
- I think it is worth the BEP016 group discussing the fate of the derived diffusion measures (TRACE, ADC, MD, FA, etc) often generated automatically by sequences. As @Remi-Gau noted, if the image was generated by the scanner, the typical BIDS philosophy is that it is
rather thanderived
. For example, scanners can generate MoCo, nonlineargradientcorrection, and indeed virtually all our images are in some sensederived
from k-space and multiple coils. I do think it might be good to provide guidance for users on the scanner derived diffusion data. My own sense is that the derived diffusion measures (TRACE, FA, etc) created by the scanner are typically inferior to the same measures created after the raw directional diffusion data is offline processed (denoise, deGibbs, eddy, TOPUP). I would advocate that the specification explicitly notes that scanner-generated derived diffusion measures should be either discarded or treated as derived.