Individual Trade / Book Ticker / Aggregated Trades / Partial Book Depth Stream / 24 Hour Ticker / Diff. Depth Stream
use binance_ws::websocket::*;
use binance_ws::futures::TryStreamExt;
use binance_ws::api::Binance;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let symbols = vec!["ETHBTC".into(), "ADABTC".into()];
let mut binance_ws: Websocket = Binance::new(None, None);
// ** Change the variant wrapping the input symbols passed to the subscribe function to change the stream type!
// For e.g., to do aggregated trades instead:
// let sub_id = binance_ws.subscribe(WebsocketStreamType::AggregatedTrades(symbols)).await?;
let sub_id = binance_ws.subscribe(WebsocketStreamType::IndividualTrade(symbols)).await?;
while let Some(event) = binance_ws.try_next().await.expect("Didn't receive next transmit") {
match event {
WebsocketEvent::IndividualTrade(data) => {
println!("{}, {}, {}", data.price, data.symbol, data.qty);
// Other events that use same format:
// WebsocketEvent::BookTicker(data) => {
// println!("{}, {}, {}", data.best_bid, data.symbol, data.update_id);
// },
// WebsocketEvent::AggregatedTrades(data) => {
// println!("{}, {}, {}", data.price, data.symbol, data.qty);
// },
// WebsocketEvent::PartialBookDepthStream(data) => {
// println!("{}, {}, {}", data.asks.len(), data.bids.len(), data.last_update_id);
// },
// WebsocketEvent::TwentyFourHourTicker(data) => {
// println!("{}, {}, {}", data.prev_close, data.best_ask_qty, data.event_time);
// },
// WebsocketEvent::DiffDepthStream(data) => {
// println!("{}, {}, {}", data.bids.len(), data.symbol, data.event_time);
// },
_ => {}
use binance_ws::websocket::*;
use binance_ws::futures::TryStreamExt;
use binance_ws::api::Binance;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let symbols = vec!["ETHBTC".into(), "ADABTC".into()];
let mut binance_ws: Websocket = Binance::new(None, None);
let interval = KlineInterval::Minutes(5);
// OR let interval = KlineInterval::None;
let sub_id = binance_ws.subscribe(WebsocketStreamType::Kline { interval, symbols }).await?;
while let Some(event) = binance_ws.try_next().await.expect("Didn't receive next transmit") {
match event {
WebsocketEvent::Kline(kline) => {
println!("{}, {}, {}", kline.symbol, kline.event_time, kline.kline.high);
_ => {}
Day Ticker All
use binance_ws::websocket::*;
use binance_ws::futures::TryStreamExt;
use binance_ws::api::Binance;
use binance_ws::userstream::{UserStream, UserStreamAsync};
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let mut binance_ws: Websocket = Binance::new(None, None);
let sub_id = binance_ws.subscribe(WebsocketStreamType::DayTickerAll).await?;
while let Some(event) = binance_ws.try_next().await.expect("Didn't receive next transmit") {
match event {
WebsocketEvent::DayTickerAll(many_ticker) => {
for ticker in many_ticker {
println!("{}, {}, {}", ticker.best_ask_qty, ticker.high, ticker.close_time);
_ => {}
use binance_api_async::userstream::{UserStream, UserStreamAsync};
use binance_api_async::api::Binance;
use binance_api_async::futures::TryStreamExt;
use binance_api_async::websocket::WebsocketEvent;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let mut user_stream: UserStream = Binance::new(Some("<api-key>".into()), Some("<api-secret>".into()));
let sub_id = user_stream.subscribe().await?;
let mut binance_ws ="You didn't subscribe!");
while let Some(event) = binance_ws.try_next().await.expect("Didn't receive next transmit") {
match event {
WebsocketEvent::OrderUpdate(data) => {
println!("{}, {}, {}", data.accumulated_qty_filled_trades, data.commission, data.qty_last_filled_trade)
WebsocketEvent::AccountUpdate(data) => {
println!("{}", data.balance.first().unwrap().free)
WebsocketEvent::BalanceUpdate(data) => {
println!("{}, {}, {}", data.asset, data.balance_delta, data.clear_time)
_ => {}
(Virtually all of this is just altering a fork of and making it async)
use binance::api::*;
use binance::market::*;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let market: Market = Binance::new(None, None);
// Order book at default depth
let depth = market.get_depth("BNBETH").await?;
// Latest price for ALL symbols
let all_prices = market.get_all_prices().await?;
// Latest price for ONE symbol
let price = market.get_price("BNBETH").await?;
// Current average price for ONE symbol
let avg_price = market.get_average_price("BNBETH").await?;
// Best price/qty on the order book for ALL symbols
let all_book_tickers = market.get_all_book_tickers().await?;
// Best price/qty on the order book for ONE symbol
let book_ticker = market.get_book_ticker("BNBETH").await?;
// 24hr ticker price change statistics
let twenty_four_hour_price = market.get_24h_price_stats("BNBETH").await?;
// last 10 5min klines (candlesticks) for a symbol:
let klines = market.get_klines("BNBETH", "5m", 10, None, None).await?;
use binance_api_async::account::Account;
use binance_api_async::api::Binance;
use binance_api_async::error::BinanceErr;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let api_key = Some("YOUR_API_KEY".into());
let secret_key = Some("YOUR_SECRET_KEY".into());
let account: Account = Binance::new(api_key, secret_key);
let account = account.get_account().await?;
let open_orders = account.get_open_orders("WTCETH").await?;
let limit_buy = account.limit_buy("WTCETH", 10, 0.014000).await?;
let market_buy = account.market_buy("WTCETH", 5).await?;
let limit_sell = account.limit_sell("WTCETH", 10, 0.035000).await?;
let market_sell = account.market_sell("WTCETH", 5).await?;
let custom_order = account.custom_order("WTCETH", 9999, 0.0123, "SELL", "LIMIT", "IOC").await?;
let order_id = 1_957_528;
let order_status = account.order_status("WTCETH", order_id).await?;
let cancelled_order = account.cancel_order("WTCETH", order_id).await?;
let all_cancelled_orders = account.cancel_all_open_orders("WTCETH").await?;
let balances = account.get_balance("KNC").await?;
let trade_history = account.trade_history("WTCETH").await?;
"get_fmt_error" is a method on the generic error type exposed by this library "BinanceErr" which returns the formatted error message.
This method is superfluous and only exists to circumvent issues IntelliJ IDEs have understanding that std::fmt::Display is in fact implemented.
use binance_api_async::api::Binance;
use binance_api_async::account::Account;
async fn main() -> Result<(), BinanceErr> {
let account: Account = Binance::new(Some(format!("<api-key>")), Some(format!("<API-SECRET>")));
match account.market_buy(format!("DOGEBTC"), 101).await {
Err(e) => {
println!("{}", e);
_ => {}
// If you are getting "std::fmt::Display not implemented for BinanceErr"
match account.market_buy(format!("DOGEBTC"), 101).await {
Err(mut e) => {
println!("{}", e.get_fmt_error());
_ => {}