I was using the getBonusTime() function to check if there is bonus time or not as shown below:
if (ns.bladeburner.getBonusTime() == 0) { await ns.sleep(ns.bladeburner.getActionTime("General", "Diplomacy")); }
else { await ns.sleep(ns.bladeburner.getActionTime("General", "Diplomacy") / 5); }
The game kept waiting 12 seconds instead of the desired 60 due to BonusTime() not returning a 0, despite the "actual" bonus time being 0
Using ns.print(ns.bladeburner.getBonusTime()), I can see that the function returns a 0, a 1000 or a 2000 when I have no bonus time shown in the UI and the game is fully open and active. Further testing via spamming the stop/start scrip button shows that it appears to return 0 or 1000 50/50 of the time with 2000 being non-recreatable. Maybe the game just lagged unnoticeably or something when it showed 2000 idk
Save file can be found here:
Apparently this is caused by the game approximating 3-4 stored cycles into 1000ms, and 0-1-2 cycles into 0ms
I have proposed using one of the following solutions on the Discord:
Make the function return 0 if it detects that the value is at an update's worth, or better if the UI isn't showing bonus time then the function should return a 0. If you don't have any bonus time that you can see then it shouldn't return a "true" if you check for bonus time.
Change the description to state that the function can return small values below [value]ms due to how the game updates. This would let the players know to test for specific time lengths (eg: Check for 60000ms bonus time when testing if there is enough bonus time for "diplomacy")
Bug report and discussion on Discord: