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Default to building the C extension automatically when installing from source #1511




Feature request

Currently, pip install git+ (or equivalent) does not build the C extension at all — the build system entirely depends on it being built prior to installing the Python package. While this makes sense for building the portable wheels for PyPI, it's a bit surprising for end users and downstream repackagers — to the point that they may actually package bitsandbytes without the C extension at all.

I'd like to propose enhancing to automatically call CMake to build the C extension if it wasn't built yet. Ideally, we could go as far as to detect the correct kind of acceleration to use, but even building the CPU library would be a good start.


Making testing and repackaging easier. Reducing risk of mistakenly repackaging without the C extension at all. Making the "user-oriented" build process more consistent with regular Python packages — I think that would actually even make it possible to start publishing source distributions on PyPI, to provide wider platform support.

Your contribution

I'm ready to write the code and submit a pull request.




buildcontributions-welcomeWe welcome contributions to fix this issue!high priority(first issues that will be worked on)


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