You can contribute to this project by opening an issue or a pull request. Feel free to ask for clarification or help by creating an issue before you start with a pull request!
You only need popular Python 3 standard tooling, including Tox, for contributing code and running linting and tests.
PyClean has no specific runtime dependencies, only for running the test
suite you need packages such as cli-test-helpers
. Those are installed
automatically when you run tox
Tests are fundamental. When adding new features or changing existing functionality, you must add or adapt tests in the test suite. Please ask for help in your issue or the pull request if you struggle with that.
Run the linters and our test suite using Tox, e.g.
# show all Tox targets
tox list
# run just linting and the tests for Python 3.12
tox -e lint,py312
# run tests with your default Python (the one executing Tox)
tox -e py
# run entire test suite
The entire suite will run against all supported target operating systems and Python versions when you create a PR on GitHub. Make sure all tests pass, otherwise the PR will likely not get merged.
If you want to test against the various Python versions locally before pushing take a look at uv or pyenv, which both allow you to install different Python versions on your computer in parallel.
You can try out the CLI by running the application as a module, e.g.
python3 -m pyclean
or you can make a so-called "editable install", for development:
python3 -m pip install -e .
Then run as usual:
pyclean --help
If you only want to install pyclean
off the Git repository, e.g. in order
to try out a feature branch, you can install it on your machine like this:
pip install git+
Or, for a specific branch:
pip install git+