There are FALD / Local Dimming Hardware limitations.
FALD = Full Array Local Dimming
Unfixable Local Dimming Limitations On Many Models
FALD backlight layers often lag 1 refresh cycle behind, which massively disorts the Talbot Plateau Law mathematics in the CRT beam simulator. OLEDs and global-lit LCDs work much better.
A very very very few FALD's keeps up okayishly. For example, fewer artifacts on M4 Macbook FALD than M1 Macbook FALD. Try the shadertoy first on the FALD you plan to purchase, if deciding to purchase a FALD for CRT simulator.
Manufacturers, Please Include CRT Simulator in Test Suite!
Display manufacturers, you need zero-latency FALD layers + a FALD scanout in sync with LCD scanout.
TCL C755 FALD defect for CRT simulator creates banding:
(TCL C755 MiniLED Example from @Ekcheed post)
Alternatives To FALD Until FALD Improves
If you are purchasing a new display for my future display simulators (CRT simulator shader, Plasma simulator shader, DLP simulator shader, etc), you should purchase a 480Hz+ OLED. Remember, 480Hz is not just for games, the non-gamer first-time OLED purchasers are reporting 120vs480 OLED is more human visible than 60vs120 and helps office ergonomics.
Your blur reduction ratio will be up to native:simulated Hz ratio.
- 120Hz OLED can do CRT simulator with up to 50% blur reduction for 60fps
- 240Hz OLED can do CRT simulator with up to 75% blur reduction for 60fps
- 360Hz OLED can do CRT simulator with up to 83% blur reduction for 60fps
- 480Hz OLED can do CRT simulator with up to 87.5% blur reduction for 60fps
This scales infinitely, my CRT simulator has no Hz restriction, as long as native:simulated > 2.0f
(Yes, FRAMES_VS_HZ is a float!).